Nap time misadventures! Niall and Liam

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It had been a few weeks since Nialls’s alternative life style had been discovered by Liam. So far the two had fallen into a pretty good routine, making sure the other three boys didn’t suspect a thing.

Liam had done some research on the topic, with many protests from Niall of course, but nonetheless he had gotten plenty of information from different sources.

After a long discussion and full agreement from both of them, Liam started to slowly convince Niall to slip into his headspace however often he’d like. Especially if he was ever feeling panicked or stressed. This came in handy especially during their recording time of the new album, where Niall would slip into the mindset of a 2 or 3 year old as soon as he and Liam were safely in the car. It was difficult at first, seeing as Niall was mortified of the other boys possibly walking in on him acting little, but that soon was going to change.

They had just finished revising their new album, and pretty soon they were going to be allowed some time to themselves for a couple of weeks, to visit their families. The other boys had already bought  their tickets, and couldn’t wait to leave and have a proper holiday. While on the other hand Liam and Niall were dreading having to be apart.

“I’m…I’m already used to waking up… and you having a bottle ready for me. It’s funny to think how embarrassed I was at first to drink from a bottle or sippy cup. I don’t even like normal cups now.” Niall commented, while he was busy folding clothes into a suit case. Liam, who was finishing up his own suitcase, couldn’t help but smile.

“I know, love. But we’ll only be gone for a week. Then we’ll have the house to ourselves, since the other boys plan on spending the entire six weeks with their families.” Liam reassured him, giving him a smile.

Niall got up from his kneeling position, and ran over to Liam, embracing him in a big hug.

“I’m gunna miss you…daddy...” Niall whispered, melting Liam’s heart into a big puddle of feels.

(One week later)

Both Liam and Niall had flights on Monday morning, and would fly back home Sunday afternoon, their flights only an hour apart. Liam was currently sitting in the terminal where Niall’s flight would stop. His flight should land in the next ten minutes or so, leaving Liam on the edge of his seat.

 Next to him, he had his suitcase, but on his lap he had a plastic bag with a brand new stuffed animal he had gotten in his home town while visiting. The moment he saw it through a shop window he knew Niall would like it.  

Finally, they announced the arrival of Niall’s flight, bringing a huge smile on Liam’s face. After a few more minutes, they opened the gate allowing a flood of people to pool out. Liam scanned the crowd until he finally saw the familiar tuff of blond hair.

Niall, unaware of Liam waiting for him in the airport, nonchalantly walked in the direction of the luggage pick up place, jumping when he suddenly felt a tickle at his sides.

“Hey!” he yelped, spinning around, surprised to see Liam.

“Liam! What are you doing here?” Niall asked surprised, enveloping the boy in a hug.

“Well my flight landed a little more than an hour ago, and well it felt silly to get a taxi just for one.” Liam answered, a big grin on his face.

“You waited that long for me?” Niall asked, laughing as they walked together to get Niall’s suitcase.

“It wasn’t that bad, by the time I got my suitcase, your flight was only about half an hour away,” Liam answered, stretching the truth only slightly.

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