Being Nice

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The next day Damon picked me up like he promised he would. He tried to talk to me but I wouldn't really answer him. In stead I just stared out the window. I was going to go to school even if Stefan wasn't there. In Bio I had Damon sit next to me. He wasn't too sure about it but did anyway. Throughout the day he kept telling me Stefan was going to be home after school. His mom was picking him up.

In History, Math and Lunch Lilla asked what was wrong. I told her everything. She said that he was perfectly fine. He was conscious and talking and that's all that mattered. Apparently she was in soccer her freshman year and got a concussion at one point too. She said it's common.

She was actually helpful of calming me down. I had to tell her why I was actually sticking to Damon. I told her that he's like a brother to me and I grew to like him basically. She apparently thought that was nice and was surprised that he was being nice to me.

We played soccer in gym again. Damon was nice to me, partially because I've stuck to him all day and partially because we were on the same team. Jim though was trying to mess with me. About the third try Damon pulled him aside and told him something and he didn't do it again. I guess he told him to not mess with me today or something. Would Damon really do that for me? I guess so.

Damon had the ball and I was open at the other end of the field. He was about to kick the ball to me when Anna literally slammed him to the ground.

"What the hell?!" He said and looked up at her.

"Don't take the ball." She said to him and ran off the other way.

I ran over to him to help him up and he took a deep breath. I held my hand out and he took it, pulling himself up.

"So now what?" I asked him.

"I get that ball back." He sprinted after her and kicked it away and down to me.

I spun around and followed the ball. I jogged it down and made a goal. Damon gave me a high five.

When we went again Damon had the ball. He jogged it around, looking for an opening to pass or shoot it. Once again, Anna came up and laid him out. This time she yanked his legs out and he fell on his face.

Okay, I was totally done with this. Yeah, now Damon knew how I felt when he was picking on me. But I already have my boyfriend hurt. I don't need his brother hurt.

I ran past Damon who looked at me in surprise. I kicked the ball away from Anna and she tripped, falling on her face like she did to Damon. She looked up and me and tried to grab my ankle but I hopped out of her reach.

Damon got the ball and made the final goal.

When the whistle blew and we had to go in. Damon walked next to me and patted my head. "Good job."

I smiled. "Thanks. Now you know how I feel when you try to trip me."

He sighed but smirked a bit. "Yeah, I guess I do."

After gym I went to math in which I had with Damon.

"I don't think Anna likes you much because of that stunt." He told me.

I looked at him worriedly. "Do you think she will tell about... You know..."

He shook his head. "I doubt it. She's extremely good at keeping secrets."

I nodded. "If she does, I will probably move back to Iceland."

He gave me a disapproving look. "That really wouldn't go over well with Stefan."

"Than make sure she doesn't say anything." I told him.

He nodded.

"Oh, and, I know Lilla was going to bring me home from practice, but could you stay and take me to your house after so I can see Stefan, then bring me home?"

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