The video/ chapter 1

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Jacks pov~
" 3,2 and we're on!" Joe exclaimed, quickly sitting down in his space on the cramped sofa. Earlier on Conor and I received a text from Joe asking if we'd be in his video along with Mikey, Josh and Caspar. We weren't doing anything so we agreed to meet at his. When the two of us got there we were told that we were filming a group Q&A. I guess it's okay, I just hope none of the questions are aimed at me.

Finally, the questions started! Caspar read out a question first, " lilylee, love your username by the way, asked: who is tallest out of you all?" Everyone broke out in laughter and Josh showed a knowing grin. We all just pointed at him but I wanted to be different. I ruffled his hair and whispered in his ear"you fucking ginger tree" At first Josh's face looked confused. He thought I was going to say something kind and part of me wishes I did, but I didn't. I always manage to screw shit up like that, trying to be too much like the others.

I was given the next question... Reading it over a few times in my head was enough to make me feel a pang of pain. It read: who is the player out of you guys?😉JM. I failed to say anything until Conor gave me a nudge. " oh erm well the question is.. asking who" "Go on mate!" Mikey shouted at me."I am just give me chance alright! Basically she asked who we would label the player out of the boys aka us" I said it so quickly I wasn't sure if any of them could actually make out what I had said, I think Conor noticed how agitated I was cause he gave me a quick smile and a slight nod. Of course, I didn't add the JM on the end, that would be too embarrassing. Josh leant over to me and whispered in my ear " You slutty little player"

Conor's POV:
I watched Jack whilst we were filming with Joe. He seemed uncomfortable, anxious even, I hated seeing my little brother like this. When he had to read his tweet out he froze, I read it over his shoulder and understood why he had stopped. He was becoming really conscious of how he came across to other people. I've got no idea why.  Finally, I managed to push Jack back into reality and he read out the tweet. All the boys started laughing and pushing him, Josh leant over and whispered something to him taut obviously had made Jack uneasy. Jack laughed along with the boys, I think it was only so that they didn't suspect anything. Joe decided that the viewers couldn't be left with no actual answer again so he told the camera that Jack couldn't stay in a relationship for more than a month or two and even then he had a few "side chicks"  Jacks face dropped.
Eventually we finished the video. We were all staying for pizza and drinks. The boys got a little drunk so me and Jack decided to head off, we both fancied an early night for once. I also needed to have a talk with Jack.

Hi this is my first ever story so I'm not too sure how this is going. Also Idk how long you guys want chapters so yeah if this is too long/short just tell me!

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