chapter 8

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Maisy's POV~

Jack was taking me to the beach, we were going to watch the stars. When we arrived he seemed nervous about something. As we came closer to the beach I noticed something, there were flickering lights. What were they for?  We kept walking until we were extremely close to the lights. Oh my god. Is this real?

In the sand there was a huge heart sketched into the sand with fairly lights all around it. Somewhere, Conor's music started. It was my all time favourite: can't say no! Jack was looking at me with a grin on his face, "Maisy, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked ever so polite and cute. I flung my arms round his neck and hugged him tightly "yes, Jack Maynard I will be your girlfriend" I reply.

Out of no where, Conor, Joe, Caspar, Josh,Mikey, Zoë and Anna came running over with vlogging cameras ect to engulf us in a huge group hug. They were so happy for us! I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend and friends as good as this lot. They really are amazing. We camped out on the beach as they had brought tents and blankets. It was so funny! Jack was telling the story of how he got arrested when my eyes fluttered to a close and I fell into a deep sleep...

Jacks POV~
She said yes. Maisy was my girlfriend. I honestly can't believe it! She was mine. Everyone was asleep except me. Maisy was laid on my lap and I didn't want to wake her.
I know this is a short one I'm sorry *cri cri However ima let you guys know that I'm working on another story rn about Caspar and his twin sister, go check that out?
Also you must read KaitlynKaethe 's fanfics!! They are all good and she is such a nice person so yeah you go do that!

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