Chapter 11

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Jacks POV~ I decided to take Maisy on a surprise date. I went out early and bought her an outfit and bought some tickets. I love her and I wanted to show her that.

"Where are we going?" We were in the car now on our way to the surprise place. She was so confused and had no idea where the hell we were going. This was great! After about an hour and a half we arrived. I knew how much she loved rollercoasters and theme parks so that's where I'd brought her. One day I want to take her to Disney Land but that'll have to wait.

"And we're here!" I gently untied my bandana that I'd tied around her eyes. My knuckles grazed agains her soft hair. The touch gave me goosebumps. So did the little excited squeak Maisy made when she realised where we were. She spun round and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes. They were beautiful. A light grey/blue colour. She was wearing her eyeliner today, cute little flicks that made her eyes look wide awake. Her eyelashes were long and fluttery. I then realised her eyes weren't looking into mine, they were looking somewhere else: my lips. Suddenly Maisy grabbed my forearms and pushed herself forwards smashing her lips against my own. It took me a few seconds to realise what was happening and kiss back. I could feel the adrenaline and electricity running through my veins. That's what this girl did to me; she made me feel a way that nobody else could... I love her.

We went to have lunch after being on a few rides, we were feeling a bit hungry. We chose this American style diner with waiters on roller skates and in the American red&white colours. A lovely waitress came over and we ordered our drinks. We still felt giddy after our first kiss together. Is this what real love feels like? Is love supposed to make you feel like your 13 again and in your first relationship. Like you and her are the only people in the world that matter. She's my world. We've been together for such a short time yet we've been through so much. My life relies on her. I'm going to make this last, me and her. We were meant to be. One day we might even have little Maynards running about. I hope so, hopefully they take after their mum and get Maisy's FUCK!

No. it can't be. Why? How? He shouldn't be here.

Why is everything spinning? My hearts in my mouth. Why can't I just be happy? "Jack?,Jack? Are you okay?" Who's that? The voice sounds so close yet so far. It's probably not him. I bet I just mistook someone for him. I mean I only saw the back of his head. I couldn't be sure. The figure I was staring at suddenly whipped round and a pair of familiar eyes stared back at me...

A/N: soo who do you think the man is?? Leave a comment! Sorry for taking so long to update I've been so busy with hw etc. Like comment sub., ooops I've been watching too many YouTube vids but you know what I mean xoxo

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