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Jacks POV~
It was Alex, a boy I used to go to school with. I went through a kind of not emo but like grunge sort of phase and I got dragged into the gay part of it all. Me and Alex had a little thing going on.. I didn't want to but he made me. I never told anyone like my brother and family, I'd never hear the end of it. Eventually he finished it. Not me.. I was too scared. He had found someone better than me, everyone seems to do that. I liked it in a way,being controlled. I liked feeling powerless and feeling like I had a master. He became my master and I learned to love him in a sick twisted way. Why is he here? Maisy would think I'm a joke if I told her. Shit. He's coming over

Maisy's POV::
Jacks acting super weird. He keeps staring at our waiter. I don't get what's wrong with him. Suddenly jack jumped up and said he was going to the toilet, god that boy confuses me sometimes.

Jacks POV:
I need to get away so I go to the toilets. I stand there looking at myself in the mirror, gosh he's still as fit as fuck. The door slammed into me as someone pushed it open. "Hey, watch what you're doi-ng" it was him. Alex. He opened his mouth using his soft pink lips to form his words. "Hey baby boy, it's been a while, I've missed your begging body" a shiver runs down my spine at his words. "Alex, hey, yeah long time no see" I answer trying to sound confident. Something seemed to click in his mind and he flung me against the mirror pinning me down with his strong arms. I can feel my cock starting to harden, remembering what happened last time there was a scenario like this. Alex grinds against me making me whimper and cry. I need him. Now.

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