Chapter 4

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Conor's POV
I think the phone call went successfully. Obviously I'd have to wait a week or so before I could make the big reveal.

I called Jack down for breakfast. He came down still wearing thick clothes. Jack wouldn't touch his food claiming he wasn't hungry. I hoped this wasn't part of his big plan.

Jacks POV~
I'm not eating. That will make me thin enough. Joe is quite small isn't he? Yeah, I want to be like him. All the girls like him. The boys asked me out for a drink too but I can't. I googled it and drink can make you fat too. It'd also tempt me too go back to my 'player' ways but I'm not going too.
Every time my mind is occupied it goes back to the comments. I read them over and over again. The pain took over and I felt the urge to hurt myself. To punch through me the same way I punched a hole in the wall. I was in the privacy of my own room so nobody would find out. My fists threw themselves at my face, my body. Each one sending a wave of pain and relief through me. I couldn't stop. Until Conor walked in.

He was shocked, scared even. He ran over to me and grabbed my hands. His eyes pleaded with mine. We sat in silence, hugging each other.

Conor's POV~
I need to do something quick, or else he's going to get really out of hand, he might even do something worse than he was doing already.
I had a plan.
I walked into the living room where Jack and Josh were sat and turned if the TV. "Sooo I've got something to tell you guys (mainly Jack, sorry Josh) Maisy is coming to stay for a while with us! She's coming on Thursday so in like 2 days!" Neither of them have met Maisy before however I had told Josh the plan so he knows what to do. She's my bestfriend, and she's exactly Jacks type. Maisy also has a thing for Jack in my opinion.

Jacks POV~
So Conor just told us that his bestfriend is coming to live with us for a while. Not too sure how I feel about that. I'm trying to stay off the radar with girls and that but then he invites one to live with us! I have to impress her though... Not gonna lie I have looked through her Instagram more than once and she is one gorgeous lady. She's the same age as me (21) and Conor always talks about her.

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