Chapter 7

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I've decided it would be easier to write this chapter in third person.

Nervously, Jack sat at the table that had been reserved. He could see a girl stood at the entrance looking confused. Then it hit him. Maisy thought she was on a blind date! He got his phone out and quickly sent her a text: To Maisy🤘🏻: Table 42, reservation under Maynard ;) x
She looked at her phone and then asked a waiter to show her to table 42. She had a cheeky smile on her face as she realised that Jack was her date. Jack was already stood waiting for her. He pulled out her chair, motioning for her to take a seat whilst doing so.

Jack POV~
"You look amazing" it was true, she did.Her cheeks turned a light shade of red as she thanked me.
"You don't look too bad yourself Maynard"she laughed. Now it was my turn to blush. We ordered our food and drinks then started talking." So, Maisy, you and Conor. How did that happen?" This was something I definitely wanted to find out more about. Conor would never tell me.

" Funny story actually, back in high school I had a thing for hanging about with the older kids. I didn't really fit in with any of the "groups" in my year. I was friends with Zoe, you know Zoella right?" She said. I gave a quick nod so that she would carry on. "Right so I got to know Joe. He was more my type of friend, funny idiotic. Well one time when I was about 15, he invited me to a party at his house. I couldn't turn down his offer. So I got all dressed up and went over. I did a few shots and said that was enough, I went on to the lemonade. Turns out someone had been spiking my drinks and I passed out in a bed. When I woke up your brother was sat on the edge of the bed. He handed me a glass of water and some pills. When I asked what he was doing here, he said that his parents didn't know he was out so he didn't want to get too drunk. He looked after me and from then on we were best friends."  So that's why he wouldn't tell me. "Wow,he never told me" I laughed. She gave a small laugh and finished off her drink. I stood up and asked if she was ready to leave, she was.

I wanted to ask her. Right now, if she would be my girlfriend. I had an idea. Quickly I sent a message to Conor.

Time skip~
"You know Maisy, the stars look amazing down on the beach. Almost as amazing as you" I whispered in her ear , a cheeky tone to my voice. She blushed furiously. "Well let's go see if that's true" she whispered back.  I was about to answer her when my phone buzzed in my pocket. it was Conor.

Conor: it's all sorted, she's gon love it... and you maybe ;)

"come on then, lets go to the beach."

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