Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Slumping down on the couch near my bed I sighed in relief, rubbing my slightly sore eyes and ruffling my already messy hair with little pieces falling out framing my heart shaped face. Standing on my feet for four hours without sitting hurt my feet but it was worth it. Looking over at my new art piece made me proud.
Bright moonlight illuminating the whole forest full of big trees, the lake on the other side lightly shining, the other half slightly darker. Looking up, the sky was foggy, hiding the light gray mountains. Behind the mountains were painted two bright orange eyes, describing the mountains as something dark and evil. Near the lake was a girl laying on the ground, sleeping peacefully while the evil was watching her.

Satisfied with my new painting I looked out the window only to be met with beautiful orange sunset mixed with various other colors. Something about sunsets and the skies made me feel calm and relaxed, I was always that type of a girl that would rather stay at home and read, paint or listen to music rather than going out to parties, sure I was up for parties as well but they just weren't my thing.

Something cold tickled my neck, so looking down at it I smiled at the memory of my grandpa as I touched the necklace around my neck and looked at the sunset. When he was still alive we used to watch the sunset for hours, every single day. He was the most important person in the world to me before he passed away, he still is. The only thing of his I have is the necklace and the memories.

Feeling like I smelled after painting and the heat in my room, I knew I had to take a shower. I padded my way to the bathroom and noticed I definitely had to clean it soon. The walls were big tiles of white and the floor was made of dark gray tiles, I could see a couple of drops on them. The bathroom wasn't too big, it was just big enough for me. White counter tops, bigger mirror, fluffy towels placed neatly near the laundry basket and my favorite thing a big bathtub.

I stepped into the shower, my body flinching when it connected with the cold tiles. Steam filling the room as I started showering, my eyes closing on their own, feeling completely relaxed. Millions of drops darkening my hair and trickling down my back, making me shiver.

After I finished showing, I walked out carefully trying not slip. Wrapping the towel on my hair and walking over to my closet, I chose the outfit for tomorrow, school is going to kill me one day, luckily I have my two best friends keeping me entertained. I don't like dressing up, so a simple sweater and skinny jeans paired with converse was enough, still don't understand how my boyfriend puts up with me, he was the outgoing type, always ready to party but a sweetheart despite everything.

Still with the towel on my head, I walked downstairs to get a glass of milk, gripping my phone in one hand and texting, one time I fell downstairs doing so and sprained my ankle, I couldn't play volleyball for a couple of months, that's when my coach kicked me off the team and I got into painting.

"How are you and Dylan?" startled, I almost slipped on the last stair and fell, the towel falling off my head as well as my phone.

"Jesus mom, you really have to do that all the time?" still not breathing normally from getting scared, I picked up the towel from the floor and smiled, looking over at my cheerful mom.

"We're still good, the date was great!" feeling excited for myself could be probably heard from the sound of my voice. Me and my boyfriend of two years, Dylan, were childhood best friends until our first year of college, that's when he decided to ask me out, and here we are, two years later still together.

"I still don't like that boy." hearing my dad's voice from behind us made me scowl. He's never liked Dylan even though my boyfriend has never done anything wrong. In fact, dad considered him as his own son until we started dating.

"Dad, how many times do I have to tell you he's not a boy, we're not kids anymore, he's a good guy." after he heard my comment he grunted disapprovingly while mom agreed with me and took another bite of her "delicious" dinner.

"Yes honey, accept the fact they will get married after college." well now she was exaggerating a little bit, I didn't want to get married right after college. First I want to find a job and move to my own house or apartment, the rest comes later.

"Never! I'd rather her marry Dracula." you just have to love my dad, what a joker.

"That's for me to decide you guys, now I have to go to sleep, goodnight baboons." both laughing at me they said goodnight then proceeded to argue over my future husband.

As I was walking back to my room the goosebumps appeared on my arms so I rushed to my room to get under the covers, my hair almost dry by now. The night was definitely too cold and really off. The woods were too foggy, it barely even happens. Coldness didn't bother me much, I'm used to it since I've been living in Washington my entire life.

Something is definitely weird, almost as if someone or something was missing. Shrugging it off, I dozed off, hearing the owls hooting outside and the wind blowing, caressing the trees.


Along with the birds chirping and the bright sun hitting my eyes, I heard someone shaking me, whispering to wake up. Swatting at the annoying arm, I put the pillow over my eyes to block out the brightness. Waking up is harsh, especially when you have a great dream and the saddest part is that we have to wake up just to go to school.

"Erica, come on already, you'll be late if you keep sleeping." my dad has to be the only person I know that's cheerful in the morning.

Slowly groaning I uncovered my face and propped myself on my elbows rubbing my still tired eyes to erase the last bits of sleep. Streaks of sunlight almost blinding me. I stretched my arms and legs then jolted out of the warm bed, hitting myself in the head with my arm, completely forgetting about Dylan, Jane and Hope waiting for me.

Quickly brushing my teeth, slightly bleeding from brushing too harshly, I didn't even care. Brushing my hair at the same time as pulling on my shirt was a hard task but I managed. Rushing downstairs I grabbed a granola bar then jogged towards the door only to see my friends waiting for me with disapproving looks on their slightly amused faces.

Sheepishly waving at them and muttering a small apology, we drove off. I know it's early when there's not a lot of sunlight in the morning, I can hear the drums of rain in the windows as I brought a granola bar to my mouth. I usually don't like breakfast but our school doesn't have any tasty food so this will do. With a head down, almost falling asleep I was jerked away when my friend hit me in the head, telling me we've arrived.

With slumped shoulders I got out of the car and noticed the school was bustling, crowded with people, just like in movies. There was always at least that one couple that was making out or groping in front of everyone, drawing all the attention to them. Cliche jocks, geeks, nerds, groups of people either popular or less popular. I managed to push past the students to the hallways of the school, my mood darkening with each step.

Let the fun begin.


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