Chapter 2 - Whisper

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Finding a parking lot in our college was hard, not because there was a lot of students, it was because we didn't have it which is pretty weird, every high school or college had one except for us. Every empty spot near the school was occupied with your typical cliché looking girls with long blonde hair, baby blue eyes and yes, you've guessed it, a lot of makeup, dressed in tight expensive clothes, except they weren't mean.

During the whole ride Dylan hadn't spoken a single word to me. When I got in the car he just muttered a small, barely audible Hi, he's never like this. If he has any problems he usually immediately tells me, but this time he didn't. I decided to confront him, ask what's wrong, hoping he'd tell me.

"Hey, everything okay? You seem a bit down." I gently wrapped my arm around his lower stomach like every time we were close or talking, they say a hug cures the sadness.

Angrily and what looked like disgusted, he shoved my arm from his torso and harshly got up to his feet, glaring at me "Just let's go." I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me, because it did.

My eyes filled with unshed tears which glistened in the morning sun, none of them fell out. Not touching him, holding his hand or looking at him, I left and rushed to my class, now probably late because of his bad mood. The glares and stares were thrown in my way like any other day. I was never bothered by the students hating me or disliking me, I didn't even know why they were glaring at me either. I was grateful for my two best friends who were always by my side.

Entering the classroom I saw it was almost full, at least I wasn't late. It was filled with preppy, cheery students laughing at everything funny and not funny, some were even throwing chalks at each other, but the best part was that the guys from our class always pulled pranks on our teacher and left us laughing for days.

"Erica, over here." it was my best friends, Hopes voice calling for me and flailing her arms around like a mad woman. Looking around, I noticed she was sitting almost in the last row which I'm suspecting we're working in pairs or she's up to something.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I had to take care of something." I murmured half apologetically as I sat next to her and my other friend. I wasn't in the mood for doing whatever we'll be doing, all Dylan's fault.

I should have kept my mouth shut.

"All good, you came in just on time." she smiled, reaching over to hug me since she couldn't do it in the car and by doing so tickled me which earned her a harsh jab in the ribs from me, on accident of course.

A deep voice rang throughout the classroom, indicating the professor entered and by the look on his face he was happy just like always, I don't understand why would someone invent school, it was torture and hell.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you're ready for the news!" he told us to lower our voices when we started impatiently questioning him, it better be good and worth it.

"This is going to be exciting for me and you guys too, hopefully of course-" stopping mid sentence to chuckle, he continued "Since this is your Freshman year of college I decided to take all twenty of you somewhere special, you will, I assure you - love it." curious voices whispered throughout the classroom, some were excited, some weren't interested what so ever, me being one of them.

"You're probably wondering what this surprise is. Well, you've been living in Washington for all your lives I'm guessing, and never visited the White House." dragging out his sentence, we knew what he was going to tell us by now, we just couldn't believe it, he was amazing, I change my mind about not being excited.

"You guys are going to see the White House in exactly two hours, so be ready!" after he finished his little announcement all of us went up to him to hug him and thank him so feeling excited myself, I gave out a little squeal along with my two best friends.

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