Chapter 6 - Disney Bra

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Dedicated to two lovely girls that have been reading, commenting and voting from the beginning, thank you both so much, also thank you to all of the other special readers who read this story! ❤️💋



As the classes ended, I remembered I had to go home and clean my room, so the only free time to have fun aka paint would be tonight after I finish my homework. Letting out a groan I walked to my house with a pounding headache.

Today was pretty warm outside so seeing the rain made me feel like the saddest person on earth, I hate rain. I never understood how could people like rain and snow, they're both cold and wet. Walking back to my house took me what seemed like ages, I was inspecting the forest and the mountains barely visible, looking foggy and distant. The rain was pouring so my clothes and shoes were completely soggy and stuck to my body making me shiver.

As I was passing the forest I scanned the empty clearing only to see a man standing there catching my eye. Looking at him from this far away, he still looked oddly familiar. The man just stood there staring at me, I felt like something was pulling me towards him, my heart beating faster and faster every minute. He was tall and well built, I could see his hair was a dark brown color, slightly curly and swept away from his face.

A sound from my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking away from the man, I answered the phone "Hello?" not hearing the answer I repeated the words but again - no answer. Hanging up, I looked at my phone only to see that someone had called me from the private number.

Walking to my front door I unlocked it as fast as I could then rushed inside, completely soaked from the rain, wetting the carpet. As I was taking my light jacket off me, I heard the doorbell ringing. Cursing out loud and opening the door I didn't expect what I've seen - it was Alaric.

"What are you doing here? Especially in the rain?" I mumbled quite surprised to see him here in front of my door, he wasn't even shivering.

He glanced at his hands as if he was embarrassed by something "I came to see you."

"Come in." I said softly as I opened the door for him to get in. His hands brushing against mine when he was entering the house, giving me a weird yet pleasant feeling. I always feel like this when I'm around him, he has this powerful and dangerous aura around him, I just can't decipher what it is.

"I'm sorry if I'm bugging you." he said quietly, not looking at me.

"No, you just caught me off guard." I replied smiling softly, indicating I'm not annoyed or anything like that.

"Let me give you some clean shirt, wait here." I ordered him when I noticed his shirt was completely soaked, I can't leave him like this, he might catch a cold.

As I was walking past him to get to my parents room, he took a hold of my arm, stopping me from leaving "On the way there, change your shirt." his dimples appearing as he smirked at me, looking down at my chest.

Following his stare, I looked down at my shirt only to see it's now completely sheer, giving him a nice clear view of my black bra with Disney characters on it. Completely embarrassed by what he's witnessed I covered my chest with my hands while scowling at him "Pervert!" his smirk only deepened.

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