Chapter 3 - Being Delusional

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Sighing tiredly after school and shopping with my friends, I put the shopping bags on the porch so I could unlock the door, seems like my parents aren't home again. Stepping on the last stair, my hand touched the door knob, but immediately stilled when I felt someone's warm hand wrapping around mine.

Half scared, I turned around only to be met with my boyfriend's stunning blue eyes. Feeling the lump forming in my throat, I looked down remembering our last encounter. I heard his heavy footsteps nearing me as I turned my gaze away from him, suddenly feeling shy and still slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry babe, I had a rough day." he muttered apologetically and half tiredly, reaching out to me asking for a hug. Hearing him apologize didn't faze me one a bit, just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you should take out your anger on someone else.

"It's okay, I have to go now so I'll see you tomorrow." not in the mood for talking to him I quickly picked up my shopping bags and one of them fell out of my hand, the clothes falling out of the bag. Feeling embarrassed by what he's seeing, I reached down to collect them but he beat me to it.

"Don't worry, you pick those up and I'll carry the other bags in the house." I was thankful for him not commenting about what he just saw. My heart softening at the sight of his baby blue eyes and messy hair so I let him in.

"Want a drink?" I asked him as we entered my big spacey kitchen designed by my mom, she was a freak when it came to the house, everything has to be clean and organized. Her and dad would bicker around because of small things like a single dirty plate left in the sink or him putting his feet onto a coffee table while watching the soccer game.

Looking outside the window I noticed it was already dark outside and my parents are about to get home any second, after offering him a drink he shrugged but stilled instantly, looking frozen and alarmed, like he wasn't here. Weird.

"Are you okay?" not getting a response from him I took a sip of my ice tea looking at him confused.

"I really have to go but I promise I'll come back tonight.'' kissing the top of my head he jogged towards the wooden door only to come to a sudden halt "I'm sorry once again." then he was out of my sight.

But he never came back.


"You look angry, something wrong?" asked Hope giving me a concerned look, patting my shoulder. After I woke up this morning I was in a good mood, forgetting he didn't visit me like he promised he would. I expected Dylan to pick me up like always. I thought we would get to talk and clear everything up, but no, he didn't show up yet again so I took a ride with Hope.

"I'm not angry, I'm disappointed." I admitted, my shoulders slumping, hunger long gone, as well as my good mood.

"Why don't you ask Dylan what's going on? If you ask me, he looks so off lately." all the gnawing questions rushing back to my mind and Hope's comment didn't help me at all, at least she was being honest with me.

"I'll wait a bit more." chugging my water I got up, my friends tagging along.

"Jane? What the hell is that on your neck?" hearing Hope's sudden comment on my other friend's neck I turned around to take a look at it, it looked like a wolf tattoo, black mixed with initials, full moon slightly curved around the initials, in all - it looked beautiful.

"Uh- it's a tattoo, I got it two days ago." hearing her shaken up and slightly panicky voice made me wonder why was she scared admitting she got a tattoo. I knew her parents were super nice, they let her do anything and everything, so a tattoo wouldn't bother them even slightly.

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