Chapter 15 - Lycan

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I cried as my heart felt like it was being shredded from the inside, emotional pain flowed through my every pore. I grabbed onto my head, trying to ease my headache but I was only making it worse and worse. Remembering today's events made me cry all over again and I didn't know why, me and Alaric weren't together so why does it hurt so much? He only walked away but he never said he's leaving me.

Another sob left my lips, tears just keep falling from my eyes, tiny drops falling on my shaky dry lips, tasting their saltines. Unable to see straight through my puffy eyes and tears which just kept appearing in my puffy eyes, I moved towards the window slightly parting the curtains which were covering the big windows, as my eyes frantically looked left and right in hope to spot Alaric. After minutes of just standing there and crying I simply moved away knowing he wouldn't come tonight, maybe never.

I rubbed my swollen red eyes and threw myself on the bed, rubbing my fingers along the soft covers remembering what happened between me and him just a couple of days ago. I tightly squeezed the pillow and let out a soft sigh when I realized I was probably being overdramatic and maybe Alaric will come tonight. I eyed my nightstand, a sudden memory rushing back to my mind as I remembered Alaric's piece of paper.

Quickly skimming my eyes over the paper I read it once again "When a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright." the letters and the paper were old, really old and where did Alaric get this? I remember my grandfather used to tell me this Curse every night before I would go to sleep and now Alaric gave it to me. When I asked him what was he, he told me the paper explains it all.

I got up to take my laptop so I could go on the internet and Google it, I hope it's useful. When I typed in the exact same words which were written on the paper I didn't have much luck at first but later on, millions of results popped up. Every single page and result was indicating and pointing to one thing, Werewolf - Lycan.

Digging deeper I found a picture explaining every inch of Werewolf's body, facts about them, so I clocked on it and immediately regretted it.

"Lycan age like humans, not like canines. While in human form, their senses are superior to humans but not as keen as when in wolf form. As wolves, Lycans experience an increase in all five senses. Lycans are powerful, for instance their biting capacity is 1,500 pounds of pressure per square inch. Like a wolf, the Lycan's jaws are strong enough to bite through a moose femur in a few bites.

When they're in a wolf form they can communicate telepathically, they can't read each other's minds but they can project their thoughts into others' minds, including other Lycan's, wolves and humans. They can't form a half-man, half-wolf state, like those commonly found in the movies. The phases of the moon don't force them to ch-"

"You enjoying?" my hand flied to the button "Close" as I jumped up, completely startled and not expecting anyone to barge in, especially when I'm reading stuff like this. I was unable to move, once I recognized the voice, that same voice I loved to hear every day, that raspy, deep baritone voice which makes my heart burst into thousand little sparks. It was him. He came.

There is no sound in the room, I sat still, my feet unable to move just like my arms and body. I could hear the owls hooting near our house where the woods are, where the deepest secrets are hidden. My mouth is dryer than a sandbox, if he doesn't speak up soon I'm going to be sick or pass out, that's how nervous and stressed out I was, especially after reading such nonsense. Each passing moment only leads to silence, my heartbeat crazy.

Then I heard it, his hypnotizing voice.

"Do you have any questions now when you know what and who I am?" the air is so brittle I could snap, I don't speak, only sit still in silence. Months of not knowing what he was so why now? I ran my fingers down my face giving out the biggest sigh in my life and turn to him, unprepared.

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