Chapter 8 - Possessive

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The bell rang so I quickly made my way towards to cafeteria in search for my two best friends. I was kind of hoping for Dylan to show up but I knew it wouldn't be happening. Deep down I knew he was hiding something from me and I knew nothing was the same between us, I should simply let him go.

"Erica, wait?" I heard a deep voice calling out for me and I turned around, already knowing whose voice it is - Dylan.

"Hey Dylan." I drawled out slowly, not wanting him to hear my annoyed voice. I just wanted for him to show up but once he does I change my mind.

Dylan frowned at me when he noticed I didn't hug him or peck him like I usually would every time I'd see him but even if I tried to kiss him, someone would pop up "Hey Erica, is something wrong?" I didn't know what to say so I kept walking, not talking much.

Deciding to finally tell him, I did "I feel like we're not even a couple anymore." Dylan immediately stilled and turned around to look at me, he didn't look too happy.

"Of course we are, I'm just busy so I don't have as much time for us like before." gripping my arms gently he was trying to reassure me again just like two days ago but this time I couldn't wait to get him off my back and as mean as it sounds - it's the truth.

"You always say that Dylan, if you hadn't noticed, you're spending more time with Jane than me." his eyes becoming a tad bit weird when I mentioned Jane, he always has that weird expression after I mention her.

"Look Erica, I love y-" before he could finish his sentence a deep, husky voice full of power stopped him - both of us startled.

"Leave us alone, immediately." the voice hissed at us, I realized it's Alaric and he seemed pissed off. Dylan didn't obey his command, he turned around to face him but as he did so, I noticed he wasn't looking at Alaric's eyes, he was looking at the floor - his head slightly bowed down.

Why would he do that? He usually talks back.

"She's my girlfriend Alp-" the booming voice interrupted his speech once again, his voice sounded deeper and if it's possible even more scary and intimidating.

"I said leave us alone." Alaric's face showed nothing but pure anger. Did they have some issues?

I noticed Dylan started shaking, weird noises coming out of his throat but needles to say - he obeyed him "Talk to you later Erica." then he left with his head bowed down but with a nasty snarl on his face.

Alaric's eyes narrowed, still following Dylan's walking form then he snapped his dark eyes to my face and started dragging me towards his car. Then I felt something weird in my chest and head - I felt like I couldn't speak, my voice stuck, my eyes hurting. A weird noise escaped my mouth, it almost sounded like hissing and as quick as I could I shrugged Alaric's arms off me.

"I don't feel well, I'm going to pass out." I mumbled distractedly, clutching at my head. My eyes felt so warm I thought the fire was in them. What's happening to me?

I could feel Alaric's eyes on me but I couldn't look back at him then I heard someone growling and picking me up in their arms and in that moment I fainted. The last thing I felt and tasted was blood.


"She just fainted Mrs Austin, I almost passed out from worry." the first thing I heard when I woke up was Alaric's alarmed yet concerned voice, along with my grandmother's. It seemed like they met each other so I decided to pretend I'm asleep and listen to their conversation.

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