Chapter 30

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We're standing in line fangirling. "Lia, I'm going to have a panic attack! I'm actually meeting Brendon fucking Urie." Amanda says. "Stop cursing!" I say, laughing. We chat throughout the line. After about an hour, we're only a few people away. We're both flipping out. My heart is pounding. I take my phone out of my pocket and me and Amanda take a selfie on Snapchat with the dog filter. "Only a few people away from meeting Panic!" I type. I snapchat it. Finally, the people ahead of us go. We're shaking so much. Once they finish, we head over. I feel like I'm going to die. "Hey girls!" Brendon says, smiling. "H... Hi." Amanda says. He pulls us in for a hug. We take a selfie with him and the other boys. "So, are you guys sisters or just friends?" Dallon asks. "Friends." I say. We chat with them for a bit more, then we leave. "It was nice meeting you!" Brendon says, then we leave. We got a bunch of pics and they signed our phone cases. "I'm keeping this phone case in a glass case display and I'm not letting anyone touch it!" Amanda yelled. We wait in line for the concert itself. We're still shaking from meeting them. We way a few hours and talk to some people. We finally get in. We give the security guards our tickets and they let us in. We sat down in our seats. We had to listen to the opening band. I didn't actually know who it was, and I didn't pick up on the name. Then the room goes black. Panic! is on! Suddenly a flash of blue lights start flashing. I start recording. They go straight into Miss Jackson, and people are screaming and cheering. It's so much different in person rather than just listening to them on my phone. One of my old guy friends told me about Panic! when I was 12 and I've been hooked ever since. After miss Jackson ends they go into Victorious, then This Is Gospel. Amanda's screaming so loud that I think she might lose her voice afterwords. "IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOO!" she screams, shining along. Some people behind us are waving signs that say "Marry us Brendon!". After that they preformed lots of other songs like Nicotine, Emperor's New Clothes, Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time, and many others. We have to time of our lives. Finally, it ends. "Thank you all so much for coming out tonight! We love you all!" Brendon yells, then the lights go out. Panic! exits the stage. We make our way out. I text Lizzie "it's finished! You can pick us up whenever.". We bought some merch. Finally, Lzizie arrives. We exit the venue. "Shotgun!" Amanda says. She slides in the passenger seat and go into the backseat. "So how was it?" Lizzie ask. "Amazing!" Amanda yells. It's about 4:30 in the afternoon so we stop at a random restaurant. Its clearly an old place. We open the door and scents of burgers, salads, and other foods hit out faces. A lady takes us to a booth. Amanda and Lizzie order Coke and I get water. Then it's time to order our food. Amanda is a vegetarian, so she orders a pasta dish. I order a classic salad. Lizzie gets a burger and fries. We chat about the concert while we wait. After about 10 minutes, the waiter gives us our entrées. After we finish, Lizzie pays the bill and we drive to Amanda's house. She gets out of the car and I slide into the front seat. We drive the rest of the way home. It's about 6:00. I tweet out my selfie with Brendon and in my caption I say "@ brendonurie it's was amazing to met you earlier! Sorry I was so awkward😂". Within minutes Brendon replies "it was nice meeting you too! You and your friend were so nice😋". I had a lot of fun tonight.

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