Chapter 37

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"IM FUCKING FAT!" I scream, causing Lia to panic.

"This girl needs help!" The nurse says.

Just then, Lizzie walks with Lia's salad.

"What's going on?" she asks.

"Amanda won't eat!" Lia says.

Eventually, everyone calms down.

Before I know it, I'm back in bed with food.

"Please eat," Lia begs.

"NO!" I scream, and throw my sandwich across the room.

"We can get grilled cheese if you want," The nurse says softly.



"NO!" I scream, and chuck my chips across the room.

"It's this or the feeding tube." The nurse says.

"FUCK THAT! IM OUTTA HERE!" I shriek, and exit the room, no idea where I'm going.
Before we know it, we're on a wild goose chase to find Amanda.

The nurse and Lizzie are screaming her name, and I'm crying.

"THERE SHE IS!" Lizzie yells, and we hear cars honking their horns.

Amanda's running down the street of busy cars.

"AMANDA!" I shriek.

I attempt to run into the streets, but Lizzie pulls me back.

Amanda runs into some bushes.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask.

After lots of searching, we find her on the edge of a bridge.

"NO!" I scream.

Then the worse thing possible happens.

She jumps.

Tears are streaming down my face.

I know she's going to die. There's no way she can survive.

Lizzie gives me a well needed hug, and I can see she has tears in her eyes.

My only friend just committed suicide.

Right in front of me.

Amanda splashes into the water.

After a few seconds, she doesn't pop back up.

I start to sob.

"She didn't deserve it." I say, sobbing.

"She may still be alive." The nurse says.

We try to swim over to where she jumped.

We find her, unconscious.

"I'm sorry Lia, it appears your friend is dead. We'll take her back to make sure." The nurse says.

Before I know it, I'm sobbing at the hospital.

She died.

I lost my best friend.

In the worst way possible.

Even Lizzie and the nurse are crying.

We eventually drive home, sobbing.

I change into comfy clothes(a loose t-shirt and pajama shorts).

I plug in my earphones and listen to Panic!

I can't believe she's gone.

I'll never see her again.

We saw Panic! together. We did everything together.

How could I live without her?

I have no friends.

How can I go to school tomorrow?

Stupid Maggie will find out.

How can I ever be happy again?

Will I have to die too?

I have no one.

She's gone.

Amanda is gone.

It was my fault.

Before I know it, I'm crying again and Lizzie is comforting me.

Why did she have to die?

Then the worst thought came.

I should be dead, not her!
R.I.P Amanda:(

Anyways I went to this pet store earlier to get my guinea pig bedding. They had a tarantula in a cage and it was climbing up the wall of its cage and there were webs. I was shaking so much I hate tarantulas ugh

Anyways they had this cute bunny. It was in the guinea pig cage because it was aggressive with other rabbits. It was sooo freaking cute I wanted to get it soooo freaking bad. And I still do.

But all 3 of the schools in my area came together so I'm in a new school.

I'm going to take a tour tomorrow! It honestly is sooo nice. I actually can't wait to go there.

You're beautiful. Ily, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

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