Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

You know one of those moments you’re in where you try to speak but can’t because you either in shock or too dumbfounded to? Well, right now I was both.

I looked at Cole standing in the doorway and another Cole outside the doorway. I looked from Cole number 1 to Cole number 2. Cole number 2 was looking at me in amusement and Cole number 1 was rolling his eyes at me. My mouth opened and closed but nothing came out.

“You look like a dysfunctional fish,” Cole number 1 snorted.

“But…h-how?” I finally managed.

Cole number 1 snorted in response. “Fertilisation? Biology?”

“Aw man Cole don’t tell me you didn’t tell her about your awesome brother?” Cole number 2 asked faking a hurt look.

“You aren’t that important.”

Cole number 2 gasped. “How could you? I thought I was your favourite brother?”

Cole number 1 rolled his eyes. “You are my only brother.”

I was growing more and more flabbergasted at the situation. “You have a twin?!” I finally screeched. Both heads turned simultaneously towards me.

“Yes he does. Hi, I’m Cameron, Mr. Grumpy’s twin brother,” he introduced pointing at Cole who now scowling.

“Um, hi.”

“So Cole, tell me why you didn’t introduce me to this gorgeous young lady? Though she is in my Marketing class.” Oh. So when I gave a glare to him thinking it was Cole, was actually Cameron?

“She’s my project partner.”

“Kinky,” Cameron smirked before turning to me. “Well anyway, it’s nice to meet you. I wish I could have met you sooner because you are so cute!” he said, pulling my cheeks. I slapped his hand away and scowled at him.

“That hurt,” I say rubbing at my cheeks.

“Awww.” My scowl just deepened but a smile threatened at my lips.

“Alright, enough with the flirting you two. Nerd, get in. I promise to actually do the work and you,” he said pointing at Cameron, “Find someone else to flirt with and don’t waste our time.”

Cameron looked from me to Cole and back before his smirk grew wider. “Somebody is being territorial…” he trailed off. Cole smacked him on the back of his head. “Ouch!” he exclaimed rubbing his head. “Gee no need to get violent, she’s all yours man.” I think my cheeks were tomato red by now. “Anyway, I just came to let you know that Mom and Dad are coming home early.”

Cole nodded at him before pulling me inside and shutting the door in a chuckling Cameron’s face. We both stood awkwardly for a while. Damn Cameron. “Um… let’s get back to work?” I broke the silence. Cole nodded mutely before we both resumed our earlier positions and the surprising thing was we actually got some work done.


Cole’s POV

A knock at the door interrupted and we looked up to see Crawford in the doorway. “Dinner is ready, Master Cole.” With that, he left.

“Oh crap! I didn’t realise it was this late,” she said looking at the clock.

“I would ask you to stay for dinner because it’s appropriate but I’m not going to,” I told her with a smirk and walking away. I could practically feel her shooting daggers at me.

I got out in the hallway in time to see both my parents coming out of their respective offices. “Who’s this?” my Father asked. I turned to see Nina shifting uncomfortably.

“This is Ner-I mean Nina, my project partner,” I introduced.

“Oh nice to meet you! Aren’t you a pretty little thing?” I groaned inwardly. Expect Mom to embarrass me like that, that too in front of Nerd. Nina’s cheeks went slightly pink and she stuttered a response. “Are you staying for dinner?” my Mother asked sweetly. I saw Nina freeze slightly before glancing at me. “You did ask her to stay for dinner, right Cole?” she peered at me. I cleared my throat.

“Yes bu-“ I was cut off.

“Great! Let’s head down for dinner.”

“Um, Mrs. Walters, it’s no worries,” she chuckled nervously. “Maybe another time.”

“Nonsense! I insist.”

She finally agreed and we made our way to the dining room. Cameron looked at her and started grinning. “Nina! Are you staying for dinner?” Cameron asked to which she nodded. “Great, c’mon! You can sit next to me.”

We were all sat the huge dining table. Dad at the head obviously and Mom to his left whilst Cameron, Nina and I were on the other. She was currently sat between the two of us and Cameron was chatting away happily. I scowled. Their flirting was getting annoying. Cameron caught my expression and smirked evilly at me. I narrowed my eyes.

 “So Nina, any boyfriend?” Cameron asked and she looked around the table nervously.

“No,” she said quietly.

“Really, how come?”

“Cameron,” Dad thankfully interrupted him. “You don’t ask guests personal questions at the dinner table.”

“Right, sorry Dad,” he replied grinning at me.

Nina’s POV

I was currently sat between the Walters twins and it was slightly weird. I mean one brother was talking away animatedly whereas the other kept scowling and muttering something under his breath every once in a while. When Cameron asked the boyfriend question, it made me uncomfortable. I didn’t have a boyfriend and I didn’t want one. The last one… He just brought back painful memories. The Walters were all really nice, well all for the exception of one.

“It was nice meeting you, Nina,” Mr. Walters said as he left for upstairs.

“Yes dear, you should come down often!” Mrs. Walters said cheerily.

“Thanks, Mrs. Walters.”

“Call me Lily, dear.”

I smiled. “Thanks Lily.” She also left for upstairs leaving me with Cole and Cameron. I looked at the two and realised that they were so alike yet so different at the same time. Even their eye colour was almost the same.

“See you later, Nina!” Cameron came up to me to give me a hug. As he passed Cole, he muttered something I didn’t hear which earned him a punch on the shoulder. Cameron just walked away chuckling. That left me with Cole. He looked in thought. I cleared my throat.

“Thanks for having me and um… see you in school?” He just nodded and I quickly made my way out because that boy’s presence did things to me.

Coz I love twins <3 Voteee! :)

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