Miss Blancour

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P.s the story might change from Hermione to no ones POV.

"Rosaline! Have you seen my scarf??" Hermione can't believe her. She just grabs her stuff without her permission. Not that She mind she's one of her best friends but she never places it back where she found it. "What scarf??" She walked in with a huge mischievous grin on her face. Sure enough she was wearing the scarf.

"Oh you mean this one??" She did a little teasing dance while holding onto it. "HA HA very funny Rose. Yes that one. And may I know why you have got it around your neck?" Hermione was trying to keep a serious stern look but failed miserably. Rose just waved her off and gave it back. "Relax Miss Blancour, I wouldn't want you to get angry and hex me! I am just an innocent little girl!"

Almost everyone in Hermione's year and above her year knows about the "Blancour" family. Their reputation isn't that great. Personally She doesn't even like that last name. It's her fathers. She likes her mothers better. Hermione uses "Granger" for almost everything. It's a shame her mother had to die a couple years back, nothing was ever the same after that. She was more like her mother, she was kind and smart and beautiful. It's also a shame she had to live her life suppressed and controlled by her father...he's not the best man out there, and Hermione was certainly never the best daughter in his eyes.

"Earth to Granger! Do you copy??" Rosaline was waving a hand in front of Hermiones face. "What? No no you can borrow my scarf. Now come on we are going to be late for class." Rose just gave her a weird look. "..Okaaay, anyway did you hear about the Triwizard tournament?"

Obviously she has heard of it but honestly Hermione hasn't payed much attention to it. "Um yeah probably once or twice or like a million times since Ron won't stop bickering about it." She just shook her head and laughed. On their way out to the common room Both noticed Harry and Ron talking to a set of red head twins. Obviously Fred and George. 'What can they possibly be planning now? Nothing good of course'. She thought to herself as she approached.

Hermione stopped dead in her tracks to realize she has forgotten her wand. "You know what Rose start heading to class I forgot my wand."

"Are you sure? I can alway wait for you.." She said but soon her stare trailed off and landed on the twins. She always had this thing for them, but she couldn't really tell them apart. It's funny. "No, it's alright I'll see you in class and you better start leaving, class starts in less than five.. I'll be there." Hermione knew she had no time to waste and she was certainly not going to be late to class. She has never been late before and she won't start now. She ran off back to the dormitory.
" Where are you? Where did I leave you??" She asked herself while looking through her bed and night stand. After a couple of minutes she gave up.

"Whatever I'm just going to tell the professors I've lost it". She grabbed her books and headed towards class. "I cannot believe I've lost it. I'm so dumb. Great going Hermione you've done it-" suddenly Hermione bumps into something, or more like someone.

"Woah there Hermione, slow down. You're going to hurt yourself if you keep running around like that". She looked up to find herself face to face with a ginger. One of the twins, much to her dislike. "What can you possibly want Fred? Can you not see I am going to be late!" Fred was taken back a bit for two reasons. One, she knows what twin he is. Two, she was angry and annoyed. "I'm sorry.. Anyway why is little Mione mad? What's wrong?"

He knows how to get under Hermiones skin and that's just what he was doing. "I'm late. That's what's wrong. And I cannot find my wand anywhere. Now if you'll please excuse me I have a class to get to." And with that she started to walk away. She didn't get that far before Fred spoke up. "Ohh and does it happen to look like this??" Hermione stopped right on her tracks and slowly turned around. She saw her wand being held by Fred who seemed to be having fun with this.

"Why do you have my wand?" She walked towards him and tried to get her wand back. But Fred wasn't having that. He started to walk away. "Fred come back here and give me my wand...please". That was the first time Hermione has ever said please to the twins. She didn't really like them that much. But she couldn't help to think Fred was..different.

"What?..did I hear right? Did Miss Blancour just say please??? To me?? Frederick Gideon Weasly??" He placed a hand on his chest as to act like he was so surprised. Hermione couldn't help but to giggle and quickly composed herself. "Ehem..I mean yes. And don't call me that. It's GRANGER. Now...please..my wand.." Hermione had an uneasy feeling about this. Fred slowly walked up to her getting a bit closer than Hermione had wanted.

"Well Miss Granger..If you really don't want to talk to me and you want to leave so bad..here you are." He whispered while he was just a few inches a way from her face. "I.. I uh..hm I just". He was getting closer and closer. She just wished it would happen. 'Wait no! No!' She thought to herself.

Fred just laughed under his breath, gave her a signature wink and turned around walking away. Leaving a blushing, and bewildered Hermione standing alone in the hallway.

"What the Merlin just happened??" She whispered while trying to compose herself.. 'He's out of his mind! How dear he do that. We don't even- he's my best friends brother!' She thought to herself. Although she's never thought about Fred or George in that way she couldn't help but day dream a bit. "Miss Granger, You're late." Professor McGonagall pointed out without even looking at the door. In fact she had her back to the door while writing something on the black board. "I..I'm sorry professor I was having trouble.." She lowered her voice and quickly made her way to her seat next to Rose. Harry and Ron were sitting in front of them.

"Let us hope it doesn't happen again. Understood?" She asked Hermione looking straight into her eyes. Hermione couldn't really speak she just nodded her head. "What happened mate? Rose whispered without taking her eyes off Professor McGonagall. "Um n-nothing it's just that I couldn't find my wand."

Rose turned her head and looked straight into Hermiones eyes. "That's a lie, what REALLY happened Mione. You're all flustered and nervous". Hermione just looked away and blushed as she thought about what had happened not even ten minutes ago. "Oh Rose you wouldn't even believe me." Rose looked a bit concerned. Yet curious.

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