Let's get down to business (Pt.1)

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Morning came quick, a little too quickly for my liking. Last night was dreadful, George wouldn't let me go until we talked about what was bothering me. He also said I was more than welcome to stay with him and Fred at their flat above the shop, or with Mrs.Weasley at the burrow.

Both sound really nice and everything but I feel I shouldn't intrude like that. They are all family, Harry and Hermione included. We talked about a lot of things like my childhood his childhood, all that jazz. I told him I would think about staying, although I have family in America from my dad's side and I'm closer to them.

There was a soft knock on the door and George's head popped in, "Are you almost ready?" I threw a sandal at him and covered myself the best I could. I was in undergarments well I had no shirt on, and he just popped his head in like he pays rent. "George Fabian Weasley! Get out! Now!" I kept throwing things at him, mainly clothes. He just stood there shocked and stuttering.

I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I can't believe him, the nerve of some people. "I'm so sorry Olivia! I thought you were- I didn't mean to um yeah I'll just wait downstairs." I heard footsteps and the door being shut.

It was an accident right? It could've happened to any of us.. I tried convincing myself but the more I thought about it the more awkward it got and the more I blushed. Yeah, sue me for blushing but I did and I still am. I looked down at my outfit one last time before walking out, all black just like my soul- no I'm just kidding. I'm in character right now and black helps me get in the mood, plus I love wearing black. This will do.

I grabbed my wand, my coat and made my way to the kitchen, everyone except Fred was sat around the table. George couldn't even look at me in the eyes, Ron and Harry couldn't stop smiling like idiots. That means they know what happened, I rolled my eyes and sat next to George. He slightly moved away from me clearing his throat, this only caused Ron to snicker even more.

"Sorry?" I asked, while helping myself to some eggs and bacon. "Are you nervous?" Harry asked me from across the table, I starred into his blue eyes and thought about it for a short while. "Let's say I am not all that confident with it, but if this will bring Hermione back I don't care." He only nodded in response and so did Ron..Where's Fred?

"Is your brother not going to eat breakfast?" Mr.Weasley asked her kids more than the rest of us. "I'll go get him, of you'd like Mrs.Weasley?" She responded with a kind smile, but George didn't seem to like it much he looked at me and then back down at his food.

Fine if he's going to act that way so can I, I ran upstairs and knocked on the twins door. "It's Olivia, may I come in?" There was no answer just a bit of ruffling, some footsteps and the door know clicking. I took that as my cue and entered the room, to my surprise it was pretty clean. Cleaner than I expected, the twins aren't that messy after all.

"Ehem" Fred cleared his throat bringing me out of my thoughts. "Oh um, well breakfast is ready and your mum wants you downstairs.." Fred shook his head sitting back down on his bed, he picked up a Quidditch magazine and began to flip through it. "Come on Fred, we're going to be leaving soon and you have to eat."

He shook his head again, not even looking up from the magazine, I know he misses Hermione but still that's no excuse. "You miss Hermione?" The question was obvious but I had to ask anyway, his answer was unexpected actually he didn't even answer he just laughed to himself.

"Uuh, sorry for asking. Anyway you should really come downstairs if you want to go." It's obvious Fred doesn't want to talk to me, ever since I got here he's been ignoring me or just gives me basic answers. I start take my way out of the room when suddenly, "Wait.."

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