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A flash of blue light came shooting through the entrance and in a few seconds the Order appeared just how it was planned. While the rest were dueling, Fred quickly ran to Hermione whom at the moment was crying but also too weak to even stand. "Dear lord Mione..I'm so sorry I couldn't be here sooner.. I- you and then." But before Fred had the chance to even finish his apology Hermione passed out right there and then.

"You have to get her out of here! Now!" Sirius yelled at Fred while shooting a spell towards the hand cuffs that were still restraining a passed out Hermione.

"Fred!" It was Olivia, she was dueling with Bellatrix who at the moment laughed like a maniac. "Fred run! Take her to the backyard and apparate! There's no time we'll hold them back!" As soon as Olivia said that a flash of green light hit her from behind causing her to fall unconscious to the floor.

"No!" George starred in horror while the rest tried to catch up to what was going on. At the same time thy had to keep fighting. "Fred leave we will handle this leave take Hermione!!" It was Remus now. Fred's mind was now foggy he was starring at Olivia's unconscious body but his mind was also on Hermione without even noticing Fred was already running out of the Malfoys dungeon.

He ran as fast as he could he ran and ran even though he felt as though he were being chased. That feeling of paranoia did not stop him from getting Hermione back to safety.
"Okay Grimmauld place. Come on, come on Fred focus!" He was fighting with himself trying to focus after what felt like an eternity the familiar feeling of apparating took place and he couldn't be happier about it.

At Grimmauld place Mrs.Weasley sat on the kitchen table hands crossed desperately waiting for her children and the order to get back. Ginny couldn't even sit down she was walking back and forth creating a dent onto the wooden floor. As soon as they heard the familiar pop of an apparation both their heads snapped.

For there stood a very shook Fred and a very not so good looking Hermione. She had blood and dirt all over her and she looked dehydrated. "Oh Merlin!! You're back!- oh dear! Come lay her here. Lay her on the couch. Ginny go fetch some water and rags dear please hurry! And you help me get her out of these clothes!"  Molly threw orders left and right.

Fred didn't know wether or not he wanted to help undress other circumstances he would've loved to but now isn't the time. "Did you not hear me Fred! Help me undress her she is probably wounded and we need to see how bad is it! Poor thing she's been through so much." She cried to herself more than anything, her son gently picked up Hermione as though she were the most fragile baby on earth.

Meanwhile Mrs.Weasley gently took her clothes off. Leaving her in the very thin under shirt and shorts Hermione had under her outfit. "Here mum." Ginny handed Molly a pot filled with warm water and a whole lot of rags to clean Hermione up.

"Where are the rest Fred?" She asked her brother who couldn't take his eyes of Hermione, he looked deep in thought but before anyone else said anything there was another flash of light and a lot of commotion.

SHORT CHAPTER.. but please let me know what y'all think about it. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING AND THANK YOU FOR THE VOTES! I'm very shook!!

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