The Burrow

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"Hey, Mione". Someone was shaking me softly. "Hm?" I groggily open my eyes to see Harry, Ron and Ginny engaged in a conversation. I looked to my left and saw George starring at me . "Well good morning sunshine the world says hello!" He was still starring into my eyes with a huge grin. "Don't, do that please.. That's creepy". I laughed covering my eyes.

"Yeah, Sorry but Fred told me to make sure you were up before we arrived, and we will be arriving in a couple of minutes". Speaking of Fred he wasn't around. "Where is he?" I sat up trying to tame my hair a bit. It must've been all over the place.

"He went to the Loo, and then to ask Lee some guy stuff . Don't worry he'll be back, you miss him already?" George had this thing where he would say things to tease me or make fun of me. Most of them worked.
I can feel my face go hot. "What? No!"

We heard someone gasp from the little door. "You don't miss me?" He faked hurt. I rolled my eyes as he took his sit next to me. "Sadly no, I didn't". It's my turn to mess with him. "Ouch, that hurt me deep in the heart Blancour. I think I'll just go now". I pulled his arm and kissed his cheek. "Oh shut up Weasly".

The train started to slow down and jolted a bit as the tracks got bumpier. "Where here, and look there's mom, dad, and Bill!" Ginny started waving her had furiously out the window while her family waved back. "Huh that's weird aye Fred. Bill is here, probably going to spend the holidays with us". Both twins shrugged their shoulders brushing it off.

"Shall we?" George asked while standing and stretching. The rest followed and soon we were all carrying out trunks. Well except Ginny and I. Fred insisted in taking mine, actually he gave me no choice. He demanded to take mine. Ginny made George take hers but he didn't mind, the Weasly brothers are really protective over her. After all she is the only girl in the family after many generations.

"There you all are! My boys and girls!" Mrs.Weasly scurried over to us giving each one love and affection. I liked it when Mrs.Weasly does that, she's like a mother to me and I would do anything for her. I also think Mr.Weasly is an exceptional father, better than mine I'd say. "You must all be tired. Let's head home".

Once at the burrow everyone made sure to settle in. Ginny and I were to share her room since we were the only girls, Harry and Ron share Rons room. "Dinner will be ready soon!"we could all hear Mrs.Weasly call from the kitchen.

"Ginny do you know who else will be spending Christmas here?" Ginny stayed quiet for a bit. She seemed hesitant. "Well, I kind of overhead mum and dad..and they were arguing pretty bad over something that had to do with you and Harry. Hermione we are spending Christmas at Grimmauld place, with Sirius Black, Professor Lupin, Tonks, and some other people.". She starred into my eyes looking for some type of response.

"Harry and I? What about? Wait? Professor Lupin? And his wife? Wait what is going on?" I had this feeling that nothing good was going to happen. Ginny shrugged her shoulders as if to say she can't say more.. "Ginny you know something-"

"Dinner is ready!" Mrs.Weasly yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. Sure enough the door to the other rooms were swung open and footsteps were heard all over the hallway. "Are you coming?" Ginny asked from the door. She knows something and I will find out.

On our way down to the kitchen I bumped into Fred. "Sorry Mione didn't see you there". He softly kissed my cheek. "Oh really cause you're sooo tall". Ginny laughed and shook her head. The table was set and we were all sat around it. Harry was on my left while Fred on my right and George next to him. As we were eating Mr and Mrs weasly were acting...strange glancing at each other.

"Is everything alright mum?" Ginny who had also noticed asked while wiping her mouth with her napkin. "Yes dear, why are you asking?" Mr.Weasly cleared his throat, wiped his mouth and looked very uncomfortable. "Actually, Ginny dear, everything is not fine". Mr.Weasly shot me a sympathetic look.

The rest of the Weaslys looked up from their plate. "Whats going on?" Harry asked slowly, earning worried looks from Mr and Mrs weasly.
"We are not spending the holidays here, we are spending them with Sirius,  your godfather". It seemed like Harry had just been given the best news of his life. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"But dad, how is that a bad thing, we like Sirius". George spoke up while digging back into his food. "Yeah, his place is alright". Ron spoke through a mouth full of food. Splendid.
"Well, it's complicated son, but we can't really say much. He said he's got some news that to some of us-" he looked at me, specifically, me I saw him but no one else did.

"-might not be too good". And just like that dinner went by with an eerie awkward silence. "All of you go upstairs starts packing again because we will be leaving before the break of dawn. Now off you go". Mrs.Weasly ushered all of us up the stairs while she cleaned what was left from dinner.

"Hermione are you okay?" Fred held my arm, he looked concerned. "What do you mean?" He starred into my eyes looking for something. "Mione, love, don't lie to me please. I care about you. I really do, please don't shut me out. I want to know everything. Please". He gave me a pleading look.

Before I say anything else I looked around the hall and dragged him into Ginnys room she was in Rons room asking Harry about Quidditch. "Fred I have a feeling, and not a good one. I feel like going to Grimmauld isn't a very good idea". He placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned closer to my face.

"Hey, listen as long as I'm around nothing bad will happen to you. And that's a promise. You are important to me, you are important to us. It's okay, we'll have fun there, leave that to me. You're just paranoid about the whole You-know-who roaming around".

Maybe he's right, maybe I am overreacting, to be honest I do feel safe here with the Weasly family. I consider them my family, something I feel I never had. "Thank you so much Freddie,  but I- uh, well how do I say this? Fred what are we?" After all he never asked me to be his girlfriend, although we pretty much acted like if we were together.

He was taken back a bit before flashing me a toothy grin. "Now now love. Slow down there, that's for me to know and you to find out". He leaned in causing my heart to beat faster. He closes the gap Between us, kissed me and then walked out. Leaving me dumbfounded and blushing. I swear this weasly will be the death of me.

"What happened to you?" Ginny walked in smiling. She knew of course but she likes to tease me about almost everything. I can't help but blush more. "N-nothing, we should get some rest before tomorrow, uh Goodnight Gin". I didn't even let her respond I ran straight to the restroom to change and soon after bed.

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