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A rough 5 minutes passed by and Hermione was still crying. She knows what she wants. She wants Fred. She wants to keep being best friends with Harry,  Ron, Ginny, and Rose. She wants to be like the other girls. But she cannot because she's always being controlled by her sister, her father and her step mother. Sometimes she wishes she could just run away by herself, flee the Country and start all over somewhere else.

Tears poured from her brown eyes while reminiscing on the way things used to be when her mother was around. She is more than positive her mother would be accepting of her friendships at Hogwarts. After all the only thing her mother ever wanted was the best for her. And she knows the the best for her are her friends, and Fred.

"I've seen your flag on the marvel arch, love is not a victory march. It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah". Hermione sang to herself wile spilling more tears. She loved that song, her mother would sing it to her every time she felt sad or lost. The moon was shining bright and was reflecting on the lake.

"Maybe there's a god above..but all I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out drew ya".  Hermione looked up hearing the familiar voice of the one and only, the guy she knew she needs at the moment. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you...You sing beautifully, I like that song..it's one of my favorites". He  took a seat next to here and took a Glance into the lake.

"My..my mother used to sing it to me when she was..when she was still alive. She used to say that singing would make you feel better..I miss her so much, Fred". She looked down to her fiddling hands that were laying on her lap. She was trying hard to stop the tears.

"Hermione I- I'm sorry, I- had no idea". Fred sat closer to her. Starring at her carefully, but she didn't look up she was still looking down at her hands sniffing. "My mother died a couple years ago, things weren't all that great at home...my family was- is falling apart. What am I saying? We were never a family".  She was now looking into the lake.

"We were never a family. It was all a scheme my father made. A fake. My mother always looked after us, Demeetra wasn't always this mean, she used to be sweet and kind. Demeetra became the person she is now because of my father. He wanted us to be like him. She would do anything to be liked. But really I could care less. I just want to be normal..like the other girls". The tears came pouring down again.

"No, Hermione. Don't think like that. You are no less than the other girls. Actually you are better. You are different, and that is what caught my attention. That's what attracts me the most. The fact that you are not like the other girls. If I am honest with you Mione, you are beautiful,  bright, and sweet. I love how you always have something to say, I like how you have your nose stuck in a book. I love how you always help others without  thinking about the consequences that it will bring to you later. And if you can't see that about yourself..then I'll make sure you see it". It took a while for Hermione to let that sink in. She looked up to meet a pair of blue eyes and red hair.

He leaned in and she didn't lean back, contrary. She leaned in as well. It felt as though time slowed down. Yet sped up at the same time. And then it happened. They kissed. It wasn't too long, or too short it was just right. They both pulled away blushing and looking into the lake.

"Thank you Fred. You have no idea how much that means to me. You are something else Weasley. Did you know that? I would spend the rest of this night here with you and not give a damn about anything or anyone else". She leaned her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence just enjoying each others company.

"Hey granger?" He asked in a teasing manner. "Yes Weasley? " She knew nothing good could come out of this. "Wanna go for a swim ayy?" They both broke out laughing but after realizing he wasn't kidding she stared are him wide eyed. "I'm not taking no for an answer ". He wiggled his eyebrows at her, she wrapping her arms around his neck.

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