Original Prankster

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"It's time! Everyone in this house better be up and ready for breakfast in 20 minutes!" Mrs.Weasly was always so energetic. It was only 5 am why are we up so early? I groaned and dragged myself to the restroom. It's really cold. I did my hair and brushed my teeth. I guess I'll just stick to my normal look. Black jeans, white tee, black boots and my jacket.

I don't really wear make up, so that's not a problem. I walked out noticing Ginny rubbing her eyes still half asleep, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Morning Gin." She walked by mumbling a "Morning mione" She wasn't a morning person. A couple minutes passed by and Ginny came out a totally different person. "Come on we have to get going.

"Good morning Hermione, Ginny." It was Harry who just like all of us, looked like hell. We haven't slept much really, helping Harry with a lot of things is energy taking. But we love him so we help him. "Morning Harry, how'd you sleep?" Both of us walked down the stairs trailing behind Ginny.

"Not so well, but better than usual. Thank you, how about you?" I haven't thought about that actually I didn't even get sleep, the whole night I was up tossing and turning. "That's good Harry, at least you got SOME sleep, I tried, but I'll be okay." I gave him a reassuring smile. The only ones there where Gin, Harry and I. I'm guessing the rest are still up there.

"Oh dear, good morning my children." Mrs.Weasly came into the dinning area holding a couple plates, while a couple more floated magically behind her. "Good morning." The three of us mumbled tired. She eyed the three of us up and down. "Merlin have mercy, did any of you get any sleep last night?- and where are Fred, George and Ron?" Just and she finished her sentence Rom emerged from the stairs fixing his jacket.

"Morning mum" He took took his seat next to Ginny. "There you are, where are Fred and George?" She asked while setting a plate in front of him.
"I'll go get them." Ginny pushed her chair back but I wanted to wake them up maybe prank them. "No!- I mean no Gin don't worry, I'll do it. You just finish your breakfast." Mrs.Weasly gave me an odd look but not a bad one. "Okay dear just make it quick we leave in half an hour or so. I nodded and ran up stairs. Hmm what should I do? I have no idea, I've never played a prank on anyone before.

I think I am just going to wet them, I really don't have much time to plan something spectacular. I grabbed two small buckets of water I found under the sink and filled both up with Water. It's kind of weird that there are two buckets, how convenient. I slowly pushed the door open, the room was still dark, and messy, of course.

Both were sleeping soundly, softly snoring. They look so adorable, one would say they look innocent but who am I kidding they are evil little things. Well here goes nothing. "One, two, three!" I splashed both of them with water and dropped the buckets on the floor laughing at how fast they both shot up.

"No please no!" George yelled awaking from his sleep I wonder what he was dreaming about. Fred just looked confused as hell. That's pay back for all the times he left me blushing. At this point I couldn't stop laughing. Both were starring at me and then gave each other mischievous smiles.

"Uh oh!" This can't be good, I ran out but was pulled back by a set of arms.
"Not so fast princess." Obviously Fred. I tried getting away but his grip was too strong. "No one pranks us and gets away with it". He dragged me into the room and threw me onto the bed. George was no where to be seen "Fred! Your mother wants both of you and George downstairs now!" I was still laughing at how wet their hair was. It was really funny, at least to me it was.

"Nope! You aren't going anywhere without payback." He started wiggling his fingers, he knows I'm a ticklish person. "Don't you dare." He smiled at me and got closer and closer. I tried getting up but was pushed back down while being attacked with tickles.
"Fred-" I tried to speak over my laughter. "Fred- I cant!- breath!" I was laughing so hard I didn't notice he was now on top of me.

He stopped and starred into my eyes as if also noticing that he was now on me. He leaned in a bit unsure about what he was doing. It's as if time slowed down. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as well as his. He leaned in closer like if he were asking permission. He finally brushes his lips on mine and then pulls back. "No one pranks the Weasly twins and gets away with." And you've done it again weasly, but no you're not leaving me like this. He was lifting himself laughing but I pulled him back down crashing my lips onto his.

I don't know what's gotten into me but honestly I'm not going to fight it. He kissed back and soon enough my hands were tangled in his hair, while he turned us over, and then over again so really we just rolled around if that makes any sense. My jacket was already off, weird I don't remember taking it off. I started tugging at his shirt and was starting to slip it off when suddenly "Ehem!"

We heard someone clear their throat. We broke apart in less than a second to find a smiling George and a very awkward looking Harry.
"Um, well my eyes, they've seen it all now, I guess.." He walks away blushing like a mad man, what have I done to my poor best friend. George was still smiling like am idiot. "Next time close the door, Ron could've walked in. He winked at both of us and shut the door. "I um- I'm sorry." That's all I was able to say before walking out of the room and into Ginnys, she was just sitting there reading the daily prophet.

She looked up as soon as she heard me. "Whoa what's got you so flustered?" If only she knew that her brother and I got caught by her other brother and Harry she'd be flustered with me. "Um nothing just nothing." I quickly sat on the bed trying to calm down. "What happened?" She easy laughing at me. I must've been really red or something. I ran a hand through my hair letting out a deep sigh. "Gin, Harry and George walked into on Fred and I!" I said it something quick it took her and while to process.

She burst out laughing.. why is she laughing? "Why are you laughing at me?" She wiped a tear away holding her laughter in. "Oh Hermione. Please. You look all flustered and awkward. What were you doing with fred??" She wiggled her eyebrows causing me to laugh and playfully slapped her arm.

"Ginerva Weasly. We were not- well we weren't exactly - okay let's just say if George and Harry wouldn't have shown up we would probably be in so much trouble right now." This caused her to look at me with wide eyes. "Yikes Hermione, really? With Fred?" She laughed again.

"Whats wrong with Frederick?" She just shrugged her shoulders. "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that he's my brother." I rolled my eyes pushing her a bit. We grabbed our stuff and headed down stairs where we were supposed to be 15 minutes ago. So much for "before the break of dawn."

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