First time

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Hermione was starting to miss Fred and George. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but secretly she missed their pranks. Umbridge was taken care by the centaurs in the forest, summer was approaching and that meant more time away from Fred. They've only written to each other about a handful of times. Fred had stopped replying to her letters, and Ginny started acting weird, as so had Ron.

Harry, just like Hermione have been confused as to why. Every time Hermione would ask for the twins Ron would cough awkwardly and Ginny would change the conversation quickly. Sirius would write once or twice a week, which was more than the usual, and when Hermione asked him about the twins he just responded with, "They are both doing just fine, don't worry. How are you?"

She found it quite annoying really. She had also received a letter from Lorenzo, in which he ordered her to come "home" for the summer. None of that "Weasley nonsense". But of course Hermione didn't care. She was planning on going to Grimmauld place even if Lorenzo threatened her to personally pick her up from Hogwarts himself.

"Are you alright Hermione?" Harry placed his hand on her shoulder, he was starring into her brown eyes trying to find something. "Yeah..yeah I'm fine Harry. I'm sorry were you saying something?" He looked concerned, both Harry and Ron shared a knowing look. "It's Fred isn't it?" Harry asked, cue the awkward coughs from Ron. "N-no, he's probably busy with his shop. At leat that's what I want to belive." Both nodded agreeing with her and dropping the conversation.

"Anyway, what are you doing this summer?" Ron asked flipping the pages of a random book he picked up. "Lorenzo wrote to me, he said he wants me home for the break or else he'll come and get me personally. Says it's time for me to "grow up" but I think he needs to grow up." Harry stared at her and then at Ron.

"Mione..I think I know what he means by "growing up" Don't you see it?" Rons eyes went wide, but Hermione was the only one that wasn't catching up to what they meant. "" She looked at the fire trying to think.
"For Merlins sake Hermione!  You are the smartest witch of our age- stop thinking about that git of my brother!" Ron stormed out the common room leaving Harry and Hermione confused. She looked up at Harry pleading with her eyes.

"Hermione. Lorenzo is a death eater...isn't it kind of weird he wants you back for the break..I mean there has to be a reason. He still believes you are naive and that you think he's your real father. He doesn't know about Sirius telling you the truth. He will manipulate you, until he makes you one of them." Air was trapped in Hermiones throat.

She choked out a couple of tears, Harry could not say anything else. "You- you think he will make me a death eater?" Harry just nodded his head. "N-no I don't want to. He can't- I will not, he isn't even my real father. I need to tell Sirius." Hermione walked off leaving Harry alone in the common room. As she got to her dormitory she noticed she had not finished packing, so she packed first instead. There was no way she'll become one of them, and where was Fred? Oh yeah no where to be seen.

Hermiome packed away angrily, throwing things and not even bothering with them. "How dare he?! He said he- he was supposed to be here for me. He is being unbelievable. Two weeks and not a single hello." She fell onto her bed crying into here pillow. Darkness took over as she fell asleep.


Someone was walking around the room. Rummaging through things, they weren't being quite at all. Hermione decided to check who it was. When she pushed herself up she came face to face with an unknown person. He was cloaked and his face was sinister looking, he smiled evil you at her. Hermione tried to yell but couldn't find her voice, she had a very bad feeling. She was terrified she was slowly reaching for her wand but could not find it.

"Don't you dare beautiful..I wouldn't do that if I were you." He sneered getting a hold of his wand. "Who a-are you? How did y-you get in?" She tried hard to sound brave but she stuttered. "Don't be afraid, I'm ima friend of your father. You see, he sent me here to get you, so that you wouldn't think about pulling a little stunt."

Of course it had to be Lorenzo, Hermione shook her head vigorously. "N-no, I will not go with you. You are insane, Lorenzo is insane. There is no way-" The man lunged himself are the her getting a handful of her hair and placing his other dirty hand on her mouth.  "Listen girl, we could do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice beautiful. Now I will let go of you, no funny business or I will knock you out cold. Understood?"

Hermione shook her head, tears running down her face. "Good now, you will write a letter to your friends, telling them you are okay. Tell them you went with your father on a beautiful vacation. Also, make sure they don't go looking for you. Oh! I almost forgot special request from your father. He is very disappointed in you Hermione,  you are dating a Weasley, am I correct?"

"N-no." Her voice trembling, but of course this guy will not buy it. "Tsk Tsk, I thought we were starting to get along little one." He grabbed her hair again. "Are you dating a Weasley?" She yelped a bit trying hard not to cry. "Y-yes..ouch please let me g-go." He gave a small victory chuckle letting go of her hair. "That's what I thought, now since your father is a very smart man, he gave me special orders. In that letter you are to break his heart. You are to tell the boy you can no longer be with him. That you never loved him. If you fail to do so. I will personally go and kill him, and his precious twin."

Hermiome had tears all over her face. Deciding to obey, not because she wanted but because she loved Fred so much she wouldn't want him to die because of her.  She tried not to cry harder, holding in a couple of sobs and whimpering occasionally. She hoped that her friends will notice something is up, and that they'd go looking for her. "Almost?" The man asked impatiently.

"Y-yes." She sealed the letter, placing it on her bed along with her wand. "Good girl,  now shall we go?" Not responding he sneaked her out of the common room. All the students were at dinner, the hallways were empty. Once out of Hogwarts he dragged her into the forest. Walking for what seemed like hours, the moon was full and shining above them.

"Alright, now we can apparate." Without no warning both were pulled into what felt like a small rubber tube., quickly landing in front of the Blancour manor. Hermione fell on all four feeling sick to her stomach, she's never apparated before in her life. The guy laughed at her before picking her up. "There's always a first time beautiful,  there's always a first time." Hermione hoped that her friends will come looking for her.

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