Chapter Seven:

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Chapter Seven:

Arianna’s POV:

I got dressed in my little laced black dress. It was fitted and had a low back. The sleeves were long and I put on my black pumps. It was going to be an awesome night. I pulled my curls into a high ponytail and touched up my makeup. Once I felt like I looked decent enough to be seen with Justin I walked out of my room and into the hall. I had a wad of cash and my cellphone in a clutch and made my way to Justin’s room. Just as I was locking my door Alex and Austin were walking out of theirs in their swim trunks. “Whoa.” I heard Al whisper.

“Close your mouth man.” Austin said laughing at him. I winked at the both of them and giggled.

“So I’ll see ya guys later?” I asked and they nodded. I began to walk away, but Austin stopped me.

“Ari be careful tonight.” I smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug.

“Don’t worry about me Austin. I have Vince and Justin with me. I’ll be fine.” He nodded.

“Okay don’t forget about the interview tomorrow. We have to leave here at nine.” I nodded to him.

“I got it mom.” He rolled his eyes and gave me a shove signaling me to go. I giggled and shook my head and continued walking toward Justin’s room.

Austin’s POV:

Alex and I were sitting by the pool and I couldn’t get that image of Ari out of my head. I always knew she was gorgeous, but that was the first time I’ve seen her all dressed up and looking sexy in person. It made me want her. “Dude!” Alex yelled in my ear making me jump out of my thoughts.

“Uh… What?” I said wiggling my ear with my finger trying to regain the sound.

“Well… what do you think?” He asked clearly annoyed that I hadn’t been paying attention to what he was saying.

“Sorry dude, but I have no idea what you’re talking about I was zoned out.” He rolled his eyes.

“Clearly. I was asking what you think about Justin and Ari being together tonight. They were rumored to have dated for a while remember?” I nodded.

“Yeah they were rumored to have dated. That doesn’t mean it was true.” I laid my head back on the chair and shut my eyes.

“So you’re not worried at all?” Alex asked and I shook my head.

“No I’m not worried. She told me she wasn’t ready for a relationship, so why should I be worried?”

“I don’t know man… maybe because he’s Justin Bieber and they have history.”

“A rumored history.” I pointed out.

“I guess man. As long as you’re not worried.” He sat back in his chair and relaxed.

The thing is I am worried. I am very worried. The way she fought to see him tonight made me feel like something was up. There used to be a rumor, the one Alex was talking about. It was about her and Justin being together. One night they were seen leaving a party together and then the next morning she was seen leaving his house wearing his clothes. It was never confirmed that anything happened between the two, but it wasn’t denied either. What are we supposed to think when something like that happens? That was a year ago though. When she was asked if they were an item she just said they were good friends and he was like an older brother to her. That calmed me a bit, but I don’t think that they did anything. There’s still that doubt though. I guess I’ll casually bring it up tomorrow on the way to the interview.

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