Chapter Eight:

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Chapter Eight:

Arianna’s POV:

“So what do we need to talk about?” I asked her.

“You and Justin is what we need to talk about. I know that last night you two hooked up. I shouldn’t be surprised about it considering what happened last year, but I thought it was over. What does Austin think about this? Did you just forget about him?” She said stressed out.

“Mom no offence what me and Justin do is our business, not yours. I didn’t forget about Austin either. I told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship!” I said getting angry.

“Yeah you’re not ready for a relationship, yet you go sleep with Justin. Think about how that poor boy feels? Probably played!” She began yelling.

“I didn’t play him!” I yelled at her. “I told him I didn’t want anything, so you stop pushing me to date him! Justin and I have no commitment toward each other, so please stop stressing about what I do.” I calmed down a bit.

“Arianna, I love you. You know that, but doing what you’re doing with Justin is not a smart idea. He’s not good for you. You have to understand this.” I rolled my eyes.

“Like I said what I do with Justin is our business, not yours.” I crossed my arms.

“Arianna you’re setting yourself up to be broken again.” I sighed.

“You don’t get it mom. Last night I was trashed. I didn’t want to start anything with Justin again. It’s just that he got me over Josh, something I desperately needed to do. He’s been there for me and I just wanted to be loved last night. I miss having him there. I do love Justin. I love him very much, but I don’t love him in a romantic way. He knows there’s no strings attached. I don’t see why you’re flipping out. I was just lonely last night.”

“I get it Ari, but when you get lonely you should talk to someone. Not get drunk and have sex with Justin. You may say there are no strings, but maybe he has some. Look at it from everyone’s point of view. I love you, but you need to be smarter when it comes to these things. Tell me you used protection?” I shrugged. I couldn’t remember if we had.

“Arianna!” My mom shouted horrified.

“Mom calm down. I’ll ask him. He wasn’t as trashed as me.” She nodded and I texted Justin.

Justin (; : Yes babe.

I smiled and showed my mom the conversation. She nodded and was happy with that. Plus I was on the pill, so she shouldn’t be too worried because even if we hadn’t it wouldn’t have been a big deal.

TO Justin (; : We need to talk. I texted Justin because what my mom said was right. I need to focus on my tour. I can’t get caught up in drama and I need to get smarter when it comes to things like this.

From Justin (; : About what? O.o

To Justin (; : About us. Just see me before the show. I GTG ♥ Bye

I sent the last text and walked out the door with my mom ready for rehearsals.


The rehearsals went great. My voice was perfect and I couldn’t wait for this tour to kick off here in New York. I walked backstage and into the Austin’s dressing room. Knocked on the door and heard a faint come in from Michele. I smiled as I walked in. his team looked over at me expecting me to say something. I couldn’t say anything because I was about to burst from excitement, so I smiled real big and ran over to Alex who was sitting on the couch and I jumped on him. “I am so excited!” I said shaking him and getting laughs from everyone.

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