Chapter Fourteen:

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Chapter Fourteen:

Arianna’s POV:

Five months later I was in an interview taking place in Miami. I was explaining to them how Austin and I were doing and how much my new album will be different from the old one. It’s crazy to think that I ever lived a happy life without Austin. He’s my savior and I loved him for that.

“So tell us Arianna, How do you get your hair so perfect? What do you use in it?” I smiled and ran a finger through my brown locks.

“Well I don’t really...” My stomach rumbled. “I don’t really…” I felt like I was going to gag. It was six in the morning. It had to be the McDonald’s breakfast sandwich I ate. “Excuse me.” I said running off set and into the bathroom. For lack of a better word, I puked into the toilet. When I was done Stephanie (One of the girls on my team. She usually did hair and makeup.) and my mom were in the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” My mom asked. I nodded to her.

“Yes. It had to be what I ate this morning.” She nodded and walked me out of the room after letting me rinse my mouth out with to go mouthwash.

I finished my interview and then left in the car.

“We’re on our way to the doctors to make sure you don’t have food poisoning.” Mark said looking at his phone. I nodded and looked out the window.

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if we didn’t have phones? Everyone seems so engaged in them now-a-days that I think we might be better off. If we didn’t have phones we would be able to spend more time together and we wouldn’t be distracted. We would actually care about what was going on with one another. I don’t think I could live without my phone because of how attached I am to it. No one seems to see that as a problem though. I don’t know, maybe I’m just over thinking it. It’s ashamed though, so many people are engrossed in their phones and they don’t even care.

“Come on Ri.” My mother said as she exited the car. I got out as well and walked into the building as well.

When I got there the doctor took me back into the room. My mother tagged along too. I explained to him what had happened and he looked at me confused.

“We’re going to run some tests.” He said and I nodded. He had taken some of my blood and made me pee into a cup.

“So what I’m going to do is send your blood out to the lab. What I need to know now is when the last time you had gotten your period was.” I thought back to when that was.

“Christmas.” I shrugged. He nodded and wrote something down in his book.

“Now tell me are you sexually active?” I nodded and he wrote that down as well. “We’re going to run a test on you urine. I’m not going to sugar coat this Miss Lynn there is a possibility you could be pregnant.” My eyes widened and I immediately thought back to New Years. We’ve done it several times since then too. What the hell was I thinking? I looked over at my mom and she looked like she wanted to cry.

“I am so sorry mom.” I said hopping off of the counter.

“I’m going to run the test. Stay here for a few.” I nodded and the doctor walked out of the room.

“I’m sorry.” I said to my mom again walking over to her, but she put her hand up.

“No Arianna. I’m not the one you need to apologize to. It’s Austin.” She looked up at me and shook her head. Was she implying that this wasn’t his baby? If there was even a baby in me…

“Mom this would be his child. Why should I apologize? He should be the one to apologize to me.” Her eyes were the ones to widen now.

“You and Austin had sex?” I nodded and she just sat there looking off into space. I sat back on the table and the doctor walked in.

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