Telling the Parents

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After receiving the email from the New Jersey Devils, you texted your parents to tell them the good news. They were both at work so it took a few minutes for them to respond but they still seemed a little disappointed in you. Your father was the most outraged.

Dad: So now on top of not going to university, you will be spending all your time around very disrespectable guys and shallow girls.

You were in shock. Your dad loved hockey players. The majority of the are kind. They volunteer and help with charitable foundations and kid's clubs. What was with the sudden change of perspective.

Amy: Dad I thought you liked hockey. Why are you so against the fact that I got a good job?

Dad: I'm not against the fact that you got a job. I'm against the fact that your job involves you being objectified for the pleasure of a bunch of males who can't control themselves.

Mom: Sweetie, your father is right these hockey players have no real respect for women especially those who allow themselves to be objectified like those dancers do. We just don't want you to get hurt.

Amy: Thank you guys for your concern but I think that I can handle myself. This job is just to good of an opportunity to pass up.

After that your parents stopped answering. You had just taken the first step to separating yourself from their control and it felt kind of good. 

Considering the arena was a little far of a drive from your house in Hudson. You began to look at apartments closer to the arena. You wouldn't be able to afford the apartment until after you got your first paycheck. Your paycheck surely would not be high enough to support you life on. You finally decided that you would stay in a hotel provide by the team while at training camp and then maybe once you got your first paycheck you could consider the apartment.

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