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That's how I felt like.

It was at our last year of high school, I remember my mum yelling at me and throwing things at me.

The day that she found out I was gay, she was furious.

The following day, my mum and I went to the church.

She forced me to pray and she told the priest to baptize me or anything that would help me fix myself.

The priest told my mum that I have to go pray and go inside the confession room.

I had to hide the bruises from the beatings my mum gave me and pretend that everything was alright. While my mum pretended to be a good mother infront of others.

My mum came up to my room one day and told me that I was moving back to America to fix my 'gay act'.

She decided that I was going back to states after college.

I remember getting mad at her.

I had enough and I decided in that moment, I wasn't going to leave you.

If I cant have your heart then at least let me be by your side.

"You cant change me for the way I am! I'm gay, I'm inlove with Yoon Jeonghan, so what? I'm still Hong Jisoo. I'm still Korean. I'm still me" I screamed at my mother's face.

"Yoon Jeonghan? Your bestfriend? Are you serious? Joshua, he's your bestfriend he's straight" My mum retorted.

I scoffed, "If you think he's straight then you are damn wrong."

And I had a feeling that it was a bad idea saying that because she moved my flight right after we graduate from High school.

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