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"You're a disappointment" My mum said as we were walking near the check in.

It was a Sunday, about 3am in the morning.

My flight wasn't until 7am but I wanted to go to the airport early.

As I got ready for checking in, I turned around to my mum, only finding her on her phone.

I grabbed my luggage and cleared my throat.

Mum looked up, "I'm leaving" I said.

Mum's eyes went back to her phone and quickly typed away.

I sighed and turned around, showing the security my boarding pass.

As I walk further away, my mum suddenly called me.


I turned around.

Is she planning to say one last 'I love you' before I go?

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Tell your father I said hi" She turned around and walked off.

My shoulders slumped a little and my hand tightly gripped onto my luggage as I try hard not to tear up.

Your family doesn't love you anymore.

What will your friends think of you?

This is what you get for being gay, Joshua. I told myself.

Each step I took was painful.

I managed to settle down later on but when the announcer called my flight number, I took a good look around the place one last time and said a final good bye, this time I do let the tears fall.

Not once did I think about how you would feel and how you would be if I was gone.

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