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I cannot fathom how such people existed in this world.

An aggressive mom who sent her child back to his dad who is an even bigger problem than she is, just because their son is gay.

If you stop and think for a moment. If you stepped back and looked at the bigger picture, who do you think is in the wrong?

When I said that such unimaginable things happened behind my dad's closed doors, no one knows of his anger and wrath or the weapons like guns and especially not the drug dealings. With my mom who helped him ship drugs from America to Korea and god knows where else, who do you think is in the wrong?

I, Hong Jisoo who is gay and being punished?

God, please tell me who's in the wrong and let whomever is in the wrong to vanish from the bane existence of this world.

If you say that it's me, I'll quietly agree to your decision and die a peaceful death.


i updated twice because i haven't updated in a year, sorry guys☹️

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