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"Yeah! no problem I'll be fine alone, you guys have fun at the party" I said as chipper as always. it had been awhile since it had been this late but I was used to being alone. my parents love me, there's no doubt about that, but I'm always alone... I'm fine I swear...just fine..

"Goodbye darling" my mom said not making eye contact. it was weird that she called me darling...usually char..but whatever.

"Um, yeah by mom! love you" I said catching my sudden startled tone. I noticed my moms stunning beauty....like I always do . She always looked pretty. her long wavy bright blonde hair and stunning green eyes. she was tall and thin, a nice figure to...I sometimes envied my mom for that. I was short and slender...not as thin as my mom....i had my dad's light brown hair and his bright blue eyes...i didn't really have a figure. I've been told I have a butt so I go on that. my breasts are practically nonexistent.

"You look amazing" I said looking at her dark orange and yellow party dress. she smiled and looked at me. a sudden look of hurt crossed her face but it was gone in an instant. I shook it off...probably my eyes. I was just wearing black short and a lose black t shirt with a blue skull on it...how un mom like..

"Bye sweety" my dad said and awkwardly patted me head....why not his usual hug...oh well I'm 16 now... i shouldn't be attached to things like that anyways..

"Have a good time guys" I said closing the door behind them. For some reason it felt strange today. Shelby patted over to my feet and purred slowly, rubbing her face along my shins. she was an abnormally tall cat. her head reached my knee, but she was pretty. blonde with brown paws and ears...

*wshhh* -narrative mode-

"Did I leave the sink on" Charlie asked herself even though she knew she didnt. she hadn't even been to the bathroom yet. she walked towards her bathroom near the stairs and realized the lights upstairs were on as well.

"Maybe mom and dad..." she said trying to calm her spiking heart rate. she had seen way to many scary movies to know something was up. She swallowed hard and pushed the door of the bathroom open. the sink was running full speed. she walked over and turned it off. She felt chills run down her spine.

"Whaaaa" it was coming from Anthony's room.

"Anthony" she hollered and race towards the staircase and was about to descend when she heard a noise behind her. she spun around and was hit in the throat.

"Shit she turned around!" a guys voice came from behind a mask. Charlie dropped to her knees gasping for breathe. she coughed up some saliva.

"An...thon...y" she called shakingly standing up.

"Hold it" the guy said trying to hit her again. she doges his hand and upper cutted his jaw.

"Fu-ck....y..o.u" she said grabbing her throat. it hurt like hell but she'd had to deal. she raced up the steps and could hear another person behind her.

"Kn....ew iit.." She said in a raspy voice. it hurt to breathe. she was drawing ragged breathes by the time she made it to her little brothers room. she flung the door open and gave a sigh of relief to see him sleeping soundly in his bed.

"Good.....boy" she chocked out walking to his bedside and stroking his forehead. tears stung her eyes...there were people in the house..probably not good ones...

"She went upstairs" a man called out. she flinched as hard footsteps came close to her. she slowly picked Anthony up and rolled him under his bed.

"Charlie...what are you doing" he said sleepily as he rubbed his eyes. he was only 12 he didn't need this....she was 16, she could be stronger.

"Anthony, people are in te house and are coming up here....they tried me....but only....got my...throat.." she said gasping for air. to many words made it almost impossible to breathe. she was feeling light headed.

"What! let me out....i can protect you idiot" Anthony said suddenly wide awake and full of rage. Charlie slammed her fist into his stomach.

*cough cough* he choked.

"Shut up and stay hidden. I love you and I need you to run to the police when I have them chase me!!! your my little brother!!! there is no telling what they'll do........" She said and coughed like mad. a droplet of blood hit her hand...they broke something...

"Fuck..." Anthony whispered as a tear rolled down his cheak. he held his stomach and stopped talking. she ran a hand down his face one last time.

"...Good...boy..." was all she could choke out. he hid his face with his hair but she could tell he was crying. she heard a loud bang from down the hall. she looked one last time then slowly staggered up.

"Now....or.....never" she said taking a deep breathe. she winced at the pain. she flung the door open and quickly ran out and towards the staircase.

"Found her!!! grab her" a man said flinging his arm out towards her. she ducked and nearly missed him. he grabbed her hair and pulled hard. she forced back a tear and pulled harder. some hair ripped out but she made it to the stairs!! she ran down the steps taking 4 at a time. the front door was busted open.

( I just have to make it outside!! give Anthony a running chance!!!") she thought. as she jumped from the last step a hidden man came out from the corner and swung a bat. it hit her right in the rib cage.

"AUGHHHHH" she yelled dropping to the floor like a brick. she seethed with pain. she was choking on air and covering her injured upper body. she was shaking hard and getting blurrier vision that before.

(Anthony) her mind yelled. she staggered up. she almost fell twice but she was determined to make it outside, of only to allow him a slim chance..

"..S-she's still up!! what the hell" a guy said behind her.

"We got the boy..he put up a struggle so we knocked him out"

"..No..." she said as all the fight left her. spots of black were filling her eyes. her knees were shaking and legs becoming unstable. a man appeared in the doorway.

"...fuck...yo-" was all she could threaten before she completely passed out. she fell and he caught her.

"Get the boy in the car...ill take her personally"

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