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Blackness...dark....was all she could see when she came to. she tried to get up but an immense pain in her chest sent her down immediately. suddenly flashes of last night flooded her brain.

"Oh god" she whispered remembering everything. she wanted to get out of wherever this place find Anthony...and go home.

"Anthony" she whispered as tears fell down her face. it hurt to talk so she stopped. her eyes started to adjust to the darkness and she could see mostly. she raised her hand and winced a little. if she held her hand close enough she could see a few details. She slowly lowered her hand to her chest. from right under her breast to just above her belly button there was gaz and bandage wrapped around her.

(The bat) she thought remembering being hit with it. as slowly and as painlessly as she could she tried to lift herself up. a cold wind rushed over her. she wasn't wearing her shirt. just a sports bra and bandage. she shivered a little but pushed it aside.

"I find Anthony" she said as the pain from yesterday returned to her throat. She managed to sit up,but hurt immensely. her first attempt at standing proved her legs to wobbly to properly move. the next three attempts landed her sitting on the floor. she was getting very frustrated. angry tears replaced her pain ones. she brought her balled hands to her eyes and allowed some time to sob.

"..Why...were not bad...children" she said. eve though her chest hurt, even though her throat ached she couldn't help but cry out. she was cold and in pain and just wanted to be home with her family.

"Your parents are at fault here" a voice interrupted her sad cry of frustration. she flinched hearing the familiar voice from last night. it wasn't anyone who had hurt her. it was the man from the door...the one who must have caught her when she passed out. she flicked a light switch on and she had to cover her eyes from the glare. She, with very shaky legs managed to stand up.

"Your dad was a gambler and your mom was starting on a drug problem. they had debts to pay and no money for it" he said. she was enraged.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear-" but she choked on her words and was left gasping for air. her upper body couldn't hold her up anymore. she resisted but finally had to let the bed post hold her.

"Your in no condition to move idiot" he spat. his words were to be expected from a kidnapper. when her eyes got adjusted to the light she looked towards her captor. he was tall and slim. he was strongly built and had a very appealing bad he's a kidnapper and child abuser.. he was tan..the nice islander kind. with black hair that Spiked out.. It flattered his strong jaw structure...his eyes were astonding..a very light shade of green... she wanted to punch herself. this man was a horrible one. she could feel the evil flowing from him. he was a nicely dressed, handsome devil.

"Wheres... my brother" she demanded throwing all thoughts but Anthony away. none else were needed. she suddenly got weak in the knees and clung to the bed post for support. he have a small laugh. she shot him a glare and he returned it with much more force.

"Think of yourself first, your in no condition to demand things from me...exspecially when I can get nothing in return right now" he said looking her up and down. he walked fulley in the door. and closed it behind him. she was weary of him as he walked closed to her. she slowly sat down...her legs couldn't hold her anymore. he had temptation and evil intentions in his eyes. he walked till he was right in front of her. he looked down at her and she meet his gaze.

( no time to be getting cold feet)

"My name is Damien Sullivan, but you will call me grey like the rest of my followers. your parents have sold you to the devil my dear" he said with a wicked smile. she had nothing but hate in her eyes. he bent down to they were but a mear breathe away.

"Your mine now" he said bringing a hand up towards her face she went to block him but he grabbed her hands and forced them down.

"" she wanted to yell but it came out as a cry. he chuckled, a low and mean one. he forced his lips onto hers. she tried to jerk her head but he was firm. the kiss was hot and dirty. it felt as if he had saved it just for her. she shook her head and let the hate sink back in. she tried to elbow him in the stomach but he caught her and forced her down. he moved his mouth down and nipped at her neck. she took a sudden breathe.

"Your my little toy now, hermosa pecado" he whispered into her ear, it was a hot Spanish accent that filled her with the horrid sensation feeling.

(What was that...the hell did you call me) she said enraged in her mind.

"Get better soon, I don't like my play things being allowed away from my side for to long" he said giving her a smile that sent chills down her spine. he got up and wiped his mouth off. he raised and eyebrow at her gasping on the bed. that sudden breathe didn't got to well with her throat pains.

"Gasping on a bed handcuffed suits you" he said smirking then walking to the door.

"..H-handcuffs..??? " She said confused until she looked down. she hadn't even noticed the metal bracelets. she was restricted of even more movement. the chain to her suprise was longer thang her forearm.

"So you don't hurt your self in bed idiot" he said at her confused look. She glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Later mi pequeño juguete " he said with that Spanish accent again. he opened the door and walked out. closing and locking her in.

"What the hell is going on"

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