The doctor and the piano

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"Charlie! my head hurts!" Anthony whined. Charlie sighed then went over to her bed ridden little brother. he was gauzed up and covered in bandages from head toe

"I wish I could help you but I don't know what to do, a doctor should be sure soon now" Charlie said holding her little brothers hand. he smiled up at her enraptures fingers around hers.

"This isn't your fault you know" he said trying to console he's obvious guilt ridden sister. She sighed and leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. she smiled but still had a heavy heart.

"Hello, heard I got a new patient" the red Spikey haired guy from before said walking into the room.

"Your the guy that treated me" Charlie said not really giving it much thought.

"And the one who left that injury, i am sorry" he said touching her neck. it startled her at how fast he was next to her.

"Anyways, Anthony nice fight, I heard from grey you put up a great battle" he said with a smile. Anthony seemed to light up a little.

"He was truly amazing" Charlie mumbled leaning back in her chair.

"I'm doctor hanz, the doctor and pharmacist of this hell hole. I have a sister she is my twin, she said she meet you two briefly before. she's the cook. he said looking over a clip board. he checked some thing off then leaned closer to Anthony.

"Well I leave it to you doctor, I'll be back later Anthony" Charlie said getting out of the chair and waving.

"Where are you going" Anthony asked as hanz pulled out a stethoscope.

"I never got that shower" Charlie said and walked out the door. she closed it behind her and leaned against it. she gave a heavy sigh and closed her eyes.

"This has been very...eventful" she decided...itd probably be really hard here for them, but this place is home..

"This is home...nope, still doesn't few right" she said opening her eyes.

"Maybe if you give it time" Jesse said suddenly next to her. she flinched and gave him a questioning glance.

"I was already out here, and I think you'll like this place if you give it a try, you know I've never seen grey so..energetic" Jesse said leaning against the wall.

"He has a weird way of being energetic" Charlie said thinking it his more lewd or cold actions

"He's usually a quiet death stare kind if guy...even though he's all beat up in bed he keeps asking if you two are ok...nit directly but he's hunting at it" Jesse said getting ready to walk in.

"I'm sure he'd love to see for himself" Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe after my shower...maybe" Charlie muttered and walked off down the hall.

"Have fun" Jesse said smiling then walked in.


"Showers are so refreshing" Charlie said as she stretched under the hot water. she turn the faucet off and reached for her towel.

"Lady Charles I've brought you some clothes and a towel" an elderly voice came. Charlie poked her heard out and looked as the lady set down new clothes and a fluffy orange colored towel.

"Um thank you ma'm" Charlie said feeling a little awkward at the lady Charles. the old lady smiled and walked out. Charlie hoped out and quickly locked the door.

"I thought I locked that before" she said crossing her arms. she brushed it off and dried off. her new outfit was dark blue shredded skinny jeans and a flowy white thank top. She also had black vans set by the door. she put them on and looked at them.

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