Finaly a familiar face

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She couldn't sleep properly at all the next two days. it was an unfamiliar and unpleasant place to be. she was comfortable in her room...not as much as her real one.. but she couldn't trust anyone or anything enough to get decent sleep.

"This is torture" she said rubbing her sleep deprived eyes. it was 5 in the morning and she was still up....but then again what had happened two days ago was still stuck in replay in her mind. the kidnapping... waking up battered and bruised. then that prick of a guy grey... she had a bad feeling that things weren't going to play out smoothly for her.

a strange guy had come in the last two days to change her bandages.. He had bright red Spikey hair and a lighter tan skin than grey. still attractive but again, a kidnapper. he had just finished wrapping her up when there eyes meet and she realized he had been the one to hit her in the throat.

"I'm really sorry, I I don't expect you to turn around... it you seem to be doing better now so I guess that's good" he had mumbled almost to himself. for some god forsaking reason she have him a small wasn't okay that he did it and it hurt like hell but at least he was apologizing. grey called her an idiot and a toy and who knows what else in spanish....hes a prick...

"Well, walking should be much easier now that you've had time to rest" he had said.. it was still a wobbly mess though. The handcuffs didn't make things much easier. she tried to squirm her way out of them but it only made her wrists raw.

"I will do this" she said determined. the faster she got better the faster she'd be able to find Anthony...and maybe escape..go home. she smiled thinking about her little brother. she slide to the side of the bed. carefully so she didn't rub her raw hands again she pushed her self up. she stood up, she wasn't wobbly anymore. it tingled a little in her thighs but it was bearable.

"Yes!" she said happily and feeling a little accomplished. she walked backfir until her legs got re used to it. she was wearing grey skinny jeans and a loose flowy black tank top. an older lady had came in and changed her. it was awkward but she had needed it. she walked towards the window...the only thibg she had been able to get a view from. she had been locked in this room for awhile. she got to the window and smiled. it was raining.

"I love the rain" she said softly laying her forehead against the cold glass. she could feel the raindrops hitting the pain and it made a slow rhythm. she looked up and out across the grey sky. She could see into there backyard from here. it was huge.

"Come to think of it..i have no clue where I am, what is this place" she said looking back to her room. she was just realizing how high class this place looked. red silky carpets and a calm golden color to the walls. all the furniture was a dark wood color and had a sense of rich coming from it.

"Duh charlie. they sell drugs and kidnap people" she said in a harsh sarcastic tone.

"Hey kid, this way" she heard a voice yell from outside. she turned back to the window. there was that grey pervert...but who was he calling to..

"Blonde curly hair....look kinda like....ANTHONY!" she said recognizing her brother. He was holding something in his hand. he was shaking a little.

"Is that a gun" she said worriedly. she seemed to protest or something because a bigger came and knocked her brother to the ground. Charlie could feel fire in her once again. she turned quickly looking for something heavy. there was a desk with a chair and a few books.

"You'll have to do" she said heaving and dragging the chair to the window. she put two if the books on the window seal. she put all her strength into lifting the chair. with a great swing she broke the window and sent the chair spiraling down. it crashed with a loud thud starling everyone on the ground level. the thug picking on her brother looked up just in time to get a flying book to the face. he fell back, tripping on a rock and flying into a little koi pond. grey looked wide eyed up to the window.

"Leave him alone you asshole" she yelled to the thug in the koi pond. she turned towards grey and meet his stare. he looked more amused than she wanted.

"Let me out of here!!" she hollered throwing the remaining book at grey. he ducked just in time. she cursed to herself.

"Charlie!" Anthony called up to her.

"Get out of the rain, your gonna get sick!" she called down. he wiped muse from himself then retreated to the safety of the porch.

"Feisty today aren't we" grey called up. she was going to call a threat back but noticed something glinting in the distance...a bullet!!

"Grey duck right now" she called out sternly. grey didn't question and immediately dropped. the bullet quizzed past where his head was and into a nearby wall.

"Some bad looking people are coming, Anthony get up here" she called down to all who were listening then her brother. a crowd of people had already exited the house to see the commotion. they looked to grey for guidance.

"You heard the lady" he said with a clap of his hands... they all went there separate ways..

"Someone take the boy up there and unlock miss Charlie please" he said then disappeared into the house.

"What's going on" she muttered to herself watching the ominous crowd outside the house grow closer...

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