Russian man

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"W-what is going on" Charlie mumbled as her eyes slowly opened. she was laying on a cold floor. her body was aching and her head hurt.

"Where am i" she muttered trying to get a better look around. her head felt heavy. she tried to lift it up but shortly have up and let it sink back to the ground. from what she could see she was in a cellar. there were stairs leading up and a small window high above her head. she went to move her arms but winced at the pain.

"My raw wrists from the cuffs..." she moaned as her wrists started to sting. there was coarse row tied around her wounded hands now. the once white bandages around them wee now starting to stain red...

"...Ow" she winced as she relaxed her hands. a tear came to the corner of her eye.

"God why does this have to happen to a good person....i bully Anthony sometimes but I mean....i don't deserve all this crap" she said slowing her head down. it was to dark to see of anyone else was in the room, or if there was anything she could use to escape.the dim light from the window only shown down on her and a little bit up the stair case.

"I have to free me hands" she regreted saying, realizing it was her only option.she cursed under her breathe and rugged her arms apart. pieces of stray rope sunk into her wounds and made her want to cry out. the rope wasn't becoming and loser.

"Damn"she grunted and leaned against the coals cement wall. her wrists were throbbing.she tilted her head to the side and saw a glimmer of light.

"What's that" she asked herself as she slowly made her way to her knees. she went to stand up but realized her rope cuffs were attached to a hook on the wall. now that she noticed the hook she slowly started to realize that there were hooks here, everywhere. at all heights and lengths. it have her the chills. she took a deep breathe and focused on the glimmer of light just a little ahead. she craned her neck to see.

"A nail!" she almost yelled.she smiled to herself.

" do I get it..."she said suddenly almost to tears again. she crossed her legs.. the. It came to her. she flattened herself out as much as her rope and hook would let her. then she started to stretch her foot towards the nail. her wrists were throbbing and blood was dripping into the floor and down her arm. her foot reached it!! she slowly started to drAg it back under the sole of her shoe.when it got close she used her thigh to slide it to the wall. she strained her fingers and managed to just grab it.

"Yes!" she whispered excitedly. she started to stab away with the nail when all the sudden the door at the top of the stairs swung open


------- with grey----

"Now where exactly did you see the man take her" grey asked as he walked briskly along the hallways with Anthony and Jesse trailing behind him.

"Um that door! three doors down from the turn in the hall" Anthony said rushing past grey and flinging the door open. he frantically searched threw ever book and cranny of the room...but no charlie.

"Dammit" grey said walking into the room as Anthony fell to his knees. he held in his years but have a frustrated yell. grey walked over to him and slowly rubbed his back.

"We'll find her" grey muttered. a gust of wind blew threw the open window. grey turned quickly towards the window and noticed the broken latch. he walked to the window and looked out.

"What's up boss, you think he took her out the window" Jesse asked raising his eyebrows and peering over Freud shoulder. he noticed the broken branches of the flimsy tree next to the window and the smushed bush.

"Look like it" grey said glaring out into the yard.

"Someone's getting a little aggressive" Jesse whispered. grey shook him off.

"She has family that needs her...and I just got a taste of her, not letting my play toy go that easily" grey said smirking. he pushed off the window and walked out the door.

"Sure, I think something juicy is gonna happen" Jesse said leaning against the window seal.

"What are you talking about" Anthony asked rubbing his eyes and slowly standing up.

"Nothing champ, lets just go find you sister okay" Jesse said rubbing the kids head and pulling him into a light hug.

"Let's go fallow the boss kay?" he said and pulled Anthony out the door with him.

---with Charlie---

"Crap." she muttered as the door atop the stairs open. it flooded the staircase with a dim white light. it stung her eyes a little but she beared threw it. A persons outline came and interrupted the light. The person started to walk down the stairs. they creaked and made loud thumps as his shoes slammed down in them.

"Oye, she's prosnut'sya" the man said in Russian. he walked to the end of the steps and she got her first good look at him. he was tall and strongly built. he was white and had striking blonde hair with bold green eyes. he had a scar down his right eye and pale lips. he had a strong jaw and a glare on his eyes. His left ear had a ruby stud in it and he was in black jeans, dark green longs sleeve shirt and black untied combat boots.

"Don't glare at me! YOU kidnapped ME!" Charlie said emphasizing her point. he just smirked and gave a laugh at her.

"Kto ty" he asked in Russian. the only reason she could slightly understand him was the fact her mother had made her learn Russian and German..but only little phrases and such.

"I am Charlie krem jesta, Speke English please" she said not keeping eye contact with him. his eyes were piercing her, it felt odd.

"Jesta, that's an unusual surname" he said in a accent now.

"My fathers German/ Italian can't help it" she said shrugging.

"I'm Jace bell makinov, your captor" he said bowing slightly.

"Twice in one week, must be some record" she muttered and leaned against the wall. she was almost threw the rope. she did it one more time with all her strength and felt a snap and release on her wrists. she took a sigh of relief then put her guard back up.

"What do you mean twice" he asked confused.

"That asshole grey took me and my brother about three or maybe it was five...anyway he took us from our broke parents a little bit ago...and now I've been taken by the Russians! just great" she said groaning a little.

"Interesting" he muttered. his dog tag necklaces started to glow red.

"Well, gotta go Krem. das va donya Sheri" he said with a wink then started to trudge up the stairs.

"Now or never charlie" she said to herself as he disappeared up a little higher. She quickly stood up and made it to the bottom step.

"Oh no Krem, we've gotta tie you up again sher" he said with a cocky smirk and cracked his knuckles. just as she was about to lunge at him there was a sound like something just exploded.

"Charlie!!!" Anthony and Greys voice came.

"...Anthony..." she said

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