Her little clue

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Charlie sat up and rubbed her eyes. she was still in Greys room, however she was now on a giant kind bed with black sheets cascading down her legs. she was also changed from earlier. pajama shorts and a regular black tanktop. she rubbed her eyes and noticed the sun just about to set outside the window. she yawned and stretched her arms wide.

"I hope I wasn't changed by a certain male" she muttered looking down at her clothes. she looked around and saw that grey wasn't sitting anywhere in the room. then she felt something trace up her thigh. frightened she looked down.

"Mmhm" grey mumbled in his sleep. he was passed out next to her with a book in his hand. he other arm was just barely touching her thigh. she looked at his face...

"In this dim light...and your of guard...you look somewhat cute grey" she said closing his book and setting it next to him he rolled onto his back and some hair dropped into his eyes. he made a half sleepy face and half confused face then squirmed a bit. Charlie held in a little laugh.

"That's to cute" she scooted closer and looked over him. she made sure to tuck her hair behind her so it wouldn't wake him. she gently reached out her hand and brushed a few strange of dark hair away. she was about to do it again when his hand jolted up and grabbed her wrist. she flinched.

"So you like to touch my face while I'm asleep do you" he said a little groggy as his eyes opened a little. he looked at her. she took a breathe.

"You had hair in your eyes and it was making you make weird noises and ugly faces, I was just helping" Charlie said not really making eye contact and trying to take her wrist back. He wouldn't let go. he pulled her arm suddenly and made her fall to her back. he quickly hopped ontop of her and sat a little below her waist. she starred wide eyes up at him. she was blushing a little. He put his hands in her arms to hold her down.

"Don't lie, I heard you giggling to yourself. your yawn woke me up loud mouth" he smirked dropping closer to her face. She squirmed a little and his hand slipped tightly around her wrist.

She winced and flinched slightly as he rubbed them by accident. he shot his hands up and rolled awkwardly off of her.

"Ah, there still pretty raw huh" she said quietly holding her hands up to her face. her knuckles where exposed and they were all beaten and bruised. the worst was her wrists. after cuffs, hands, raw rope and more hands, they got torn up pretty bad.

"Pretty ugly aren't they" she said holding her wrists to her chest. she sat up slowly.

"I should go check on Anthony, he's probably doing better now" Charlie said and went to get up. grey delicately grabbed her hand and spun her around. she managed to stand up right and look down to see him kiss her sore wrists. She blushed.

"I'll save you next time I swear" he said leaning his forehead into her hand. she was a little surprised he had said that. it sent a flutter threw her heart. she slowly reached out her hand and ran her fingers threw his lush black hair.

"You already have, and not to mention you saved Anthony as well. looks like I owe you double now" Charlie said happily. grey looked up a little worried.

"You don't ow-" but she cut his off with a quick peck in the lips.

"I'll have to work hard to pay you back" she said and smiled. then she realized what she did and quickly turned and walked away. she felt very hot and could tell her face was red. she stopped at the doorway and slightly turned around.

"Thank you Damien" and then left. As she walked down the steps she felt something move in her heart.

"This is a very dangerous feeling" she said leaning against the stair railing. she held her hands over her heart.

"You might not be as bad as you seem Grey" she said looking back up towards his door one last time before running off to find Anthony....

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