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"Charlie!" Anthony and grey yelled as they kicked down the front door. grey had all his friends behind him and he could happily say he felt confident about this rescue. As they barged in he couldn't help but feel strange vibes coming from the situation

"It's a little quiet ain't it boss" Jesse said from behind him.

"That it is" grey said noticing that no one was rushing in to fight or even walking around....where was everyone.

"Charlie" Anthony called out running ahead of the group.

"Hey kid! don't run off by yourself- damnit" grey tried calling after Anthony but he just ignored him and disappeared down a hallway.

"Fuck, you guys start searching. I'll go with the kid" grey ordered and they split.

"Where are they hiding you, mi pequeno jugete" grey asked himself as he chased after the rash worried brother.

----- with Charlie ----

"There here" Charlie said a little relieved. she smiled slightly then remembered her situation.

"Well little lady, looks like the Calvary came to rescue the damsel in distress" a new deeper voice came. Jace suddenly became stuff and immediately stood in a firm soldier stance.

"Well jace, your rope skills still need work but we can work on it" it was a thick accented gruff voice that matched the body now in the doorway. he was tall and very buff he was big and intimidating. salt and pepper colored hair slicked back to match his smooth trimmed mustache. light skin and fair eyes just like have and a firm military stance.

"This must be our guest miss jesta, dear you look nothing like your mother! I'm corporal Ferdinand, nice to meet my prisoner " he said giving a deep throat full laugh. She glared at him. he immediately did it back, his laughing mood went straight to cold blooded killer in an instant. She flinched and took a step back.

(How do I get past him) she thought seeing as how there was no space between him and have in the doorway.

"Don't try anything stupid girl-" he was about to say something else when a cry for Charlie interrupted him.

"Charlie where are you" Anthony's voice came.

"No" she said suddenly devastated to hear his voice. the smile corporal spread across his face made Charlie want to breakdown and cry in that very instant.

"Well, let's see if can entertain ourselves for a little shall we mr. makinov" corporal said cracking his knuckles. have saluted and moved to close the door. her only way to Anthony. She sprinted up the steps. she the door closed in her face the corporals evil tainted laughter filled her ears.

"NOOO LEaVE HIM ALONE" Charlie yelled slamming her fists against the door. tears stung her eyes.

"Hurt me all you want...but leave him alone" she said into the door as she slid to her knees. she gave the door one last punch. the door gave a slight and small crack. her face lite up in an instant.

"I just need something to break it with" she mumbled jumping up and flying back down the wooden steps. she looked around in the dum light and saw nothing out some rope, hooks and...a shiny thing in the corner..

"What is bat!" she said suddenly rushing over and tossing the rope away. she clutched her hands around the cold bat and noticed there was no grip. she hesitantly took her wrist bandages off and tied then around the handle part. the cool air stung at her wounds but she bit her lip and held back.

"Anthony is top priority right now charlie" she reminded herself and dashed up the steps two at a time. she aimed and took a weak swing. the contact made the bat ring and shake her arms. she took a deep breathe and aimed again. she cocked her arm back and took a swing again. she made a bigger crack. she smiled and cocked her arm back as far as it would go, until it hurt even. She swung with all her might and smiled as the door broke enough for her to crouch her way out.

"I'm coming baby bro" she said running down the hall. Her bare feet felt Icey cold against the wood floors.

"Anthony" Carlie yelled coming upon an intersection in halls. she was about to go right when she heard a male scream coming from straight ahead.

"Please god no" she said with wide eyes and booked it straight. there was a big set of wooden double doors straight ahead. she raised her bat and swung slamming the doors open. they crashed into the walls and left small holes behind the doorknobs. she flung her head around.... there was Anthony beaten on the floor.

"Look who decided to join us" corporal said smirking evilly towards charlie. Anthony was bloody and battered. he was barely conscious.

"Cha- ....charlie" she said shaking a little he tried to raise his arm to her.

"Anthony-" but she was cut off by corporal slamming his foot into Anthony's head. her little brother gave a cough and shutter then passed out. rage surged threw her. she could hear her blood pumping threw her ears. she felt hot...and pissed. she gripped her bat tighter and gritted her teeth. she raised her head and glared making have flinch.

"Someone looks mad" corporal laughed. she glared at the fat man until it hurt.

"Rahhhhh" she yelled and dashed towards him with her bat cocked high. have jumped in front if the corporal. she jumped and let her feet make contact with the guards face. he made a noise that she could only suggest was a startled gasp. she pushed of his face and lunged towards the corporal. she swung the bat and aimed for his head. he raised an arm and simply caught it. her eyes widened.

"You think you can lay finger-" he tried to say but the heel of her foot making contact with his mouth kinda interrupted him. She flung it away then kneed him in the gut. her dropped her and the bat.

"Ins okay BRAT" he said spitting out some blood and a few white teeth. his fists were gripped tightly and a look spread onto his face that made her wanna run. she looked down to her little brother laying beaten on the floor.

"I'll take you home, I promise" she vowed knowing about his crying at nights....she didn't want him to be in pain anymore... so if she had to be put I. Harms way yet again....for him she would do anything, cross any path and brave any fight. she raised her bat and toon a deep breathe

"Come at me"

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