A confrontation and a villan

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"What do you mean there someone looking for me" Charlie said turning to Jesse who was standing in the door way. he walked over and leaned down to her ear so Anthony couldn't hear.

"It's the servant of the guy who beat Anthony up" he said. Charlie stood and walked out of the room

"Who's outside!" Anthony asked. he hopped out if bed and to the window before jesse could grab him.

"Oh no" Anthony said eyeing the bleach head henchmen of the Russian guy. he had bandages two and looked dressed casually, but you could never know. Anthony ran out of the room after his sister.

"Charlie dont! hes dangerous" but it was to late she was already down the grand staircase and walked out the door.


"What do you want" Charlie demanded flinging the doors open. Jace was standing there arms clasped infront of him.

"I've come to kill you" he said glaring at her.she crossed her arms and laughed loudly. Jace seemed to be shocked.

"And why is that" she asked raising an eyebrow and cocking her hip. he seemed to be growing mad.

"You killed our leader, and my dad" jace yelled. Tiffy felt anger start to swell up again.

"Who was it that took ME! who was it that almost KILLED my BROTHER. who was it That HURT my friends." she said yelling. she felt a stab in her stomach and leaned over a little.

(I'm not healed yet...oww) she thought re catching her breathe. She looked up and saw a shadow come across her. grey stood there a little in front of her with his arm out.

"Grey" she muttered standing up fully. her stomach still hurt. she held it and looked towards jace.

"As you can see were both not up to a fight right now, I'll leave for now. but hear me Charlie Krem jesta, I will come back! with Calvary and we will kill you. you have my word" he said with one final glare before turning and starting to walk away

"I'll be waiting for you asshole" Charlie yelled with as much hate as her body would let her. she crouched over again.

"Your dangerous to be around grey, but I must admit, it's pretty fun" she said wincing a little. Grey smiled down at her then flicked her forehead.

"Ow, the heck was that for" Charlie said holding her forehead. grey came close to her face.

"Don't rush into battle when your winds haven't healed" he said smirking.

"Whatever" Charlie smiled as they walked back into the house. the doors were about to shit when someone ran inside. a little girl came and leaped onto Charlie. She tripped and they both went down. Charlie rolled onto her back and groaned loudly.

"Who is this" Charlie asked starring at the ceiling with an annoyed glance on her face. grey laughed quietly.

"Mom" the girl cried and cling to Charlie's chest.

"Wait, what" Charlie and grey said. Charlie sat up and looked at the girl.

"Child, I'm not your mom. I'm only 16. who are you" Charlie asked. the girl was small and had long golden hair. her giant watery green eyes looked up at Charlie making her feel awkward. she hugged the little girl.

"Mommi iz me, Jessica" she said crying harder. Charlie stood up still holding the girl.

"Ah, um" Charlie said looking around for help. grey was laughing, she kicked his shin.

"Ow the hell" he said. Charlie smiled and ignored him.

"Do you have a dad, jessica" Charlie asked walking out the open doors.

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