Chapter 24: Debriefing

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"Your bravery and loyalty has impressed the Jedi Council. If not for you, Dooku may have received a new droid foundry." Obi-Wan Kenobi said, who is being displayed on the Cosmic's bridge, alongside many other Jedi Master's. Jelia rubs her left arm with her right hand, for she is not used to attracting this much attention.

"Thank you, Masters. I was just doing my duty, nothing more, nothing less." Jelia shyly said, looking at the holo-table itself and not the holograms. "Lance spoke very highly of you. Your actions have rightfully earned you the ranking of Commander." Master Mace Window gave the girl her new rank, for she had promised to stay in the Grand Army of the Republic. "Now that you've been officially been accepted into the army, congratulations." Anakin said with a smirk while the other two masters nod in agreement.

"Is something wrong, Lance?" Kenobi asked the new Jedi Knight, noticing his concerned look. "As you all know, I encountered General Grievous on Chanosant. The question is, why? The only important item were the plans to the foundry, so why would the general bother going there at all? The commander claimed to have overheard that it was not just a short trip, but that he went formally to announce the purchase of the foundry, but any other separatist leader could have done so." Lance set forth the reason he was worried. The only time a General ever cared about a droid foundry was Count Dooku, and it was the first one in Geonosis. Lance fears that something else may be in play. Something he missed.

"It appeared that we have overlooked the information. If the General took time to visit formally, then we need to know why." Mace Windu said, crossing his arms and looking at Kenobi beside him. Obi-Wan placed his hand on his beard, now taking this to a far more serious matter. "He may be a coward of a general, but he doesn't take vacation days either. I think this means we need a change of tactics." Skywalker said, just as Rex whispered something to his ear.

"I presume that we might have to make a full mounted invasion on the capital city?" Lance inquired on the next move the republic will make. Mace frowns, knowing that he is right. Kenobi sighed, seeming to agree with Lance's statement. "My Legion will do everything it can to seize the capital city. However, their defenses are. . . stronger than I expected them to be. We'll need assistance." Lance stepped foreword and closer to the holo-table.

"We may not be available, but I do know someone who is. My old apprentice is close to your position. She and her battalion will aid you in this campaign. She will arrive shortly after I give her the news." Kenobi told Lance with a small smile plastered on his face.

"I, too, have a friend that may be of service. She is near the system you are at, it won't take her much time." Mace Windu offered the help of a friend he knows. Lance smiled, grateful that the masters will send reinforcements to his location. "That is some good, refreshing news to hear. I will await their arrival shortly." Lance bowed before turning off the holo-table. "Let's go Jelia. We have to clean the hangers for their arrival." Lance and the Alf walked to the turbo lift before headed to the hangers. ----------

"So, if the General can take on The Mistress and Grievous, I'm sure he can defend himself against Dooku without a doubt!" Leven said with a light laugh. He was still getting used to his new squad, but seemed to fit in quite well. Target laughed. "I'm sure of it. With generals like him, the separatist better watch out!" He said with a hint of excitement about winning the war. Flame chuckled, for he was glad Leven was having fun.

"Alright you two, enough with the chatter and get back to work. We'll have enough time to celebrate soon enough." Flamestar said, moving a few crates to the storage room they belong. Leven and Target sigh but got back to work as they were instructed. Marble and Buzz moved equipment and tools to the 'tool shed' room they belong in. While Ardenal Squad moved tools and other equipment, Lance and Jelia walked in and looked at the progress the legion was making.

"Look! It's the commander!" A clone said from afar, smiling under his helmet. "Alright! Nice job!" Another complements on her achievement of the latest mission. "Jelia! Jelia! Jelia!" The clones cheer, starting off soft but quickly become a powerful chant. Jelia flustered in the attention she was receiving. "The floor is yours, commander." Lance said, backing up and letting her be the center of attention.

"T-thank you all for the. . . uh. . . cheer. I'm glad I made my friends and comrades proud. It's a privilege being able to serve under the amazing 720th Legion, and more specifically, The Sun Company." Jelia said proudly, quickly accepting the fact that she has the entire clone legion on her back. The clones cheer and make a short celebration, for the majority of the crates were already moved, and not much was left to clean.

"General, our guests have arrived." Arc pointed out, for the hanger bay doors have opened, and two gunships landed on the closest vacant landing bay to land on. The 720th legion clones quickly form up, splitting up into multiple squads to create a rows of clones in attention position. Lance stood in front of the gunship doors, waiting for them to open. When they do, each gunship reveals two units. One female Jedi, and one clone.

"Sun Company! Attention!" Arc shouts, and the clones stomp their right foot as a reply. "Welcome Jedi Knights Kierra Albany and Kua-Lia Gerana, accompanied by Commander Char and Special Officer Skull Reo!" Arc said in his loud voice. "It's an Honor to meet you, sir!" The clones chant in unison. Jelia looked at the four humans who stepped out of the Gunships.

The first female had long hazel hair that ends right below her shoulder. Her bright green eyes scan the area around her. Kiera smirks as she walked foreword. Jelia noticed two lightsaber hilts hanging on her belt, which is by far the only thing she actually noticed. The clone commander under her command walks beside her, having a kama and pauldron to signify his rank. he has the standard commander pattern running from his shoulders to his wrists. His T like visor is trimmed with orange and a thermal detonator decal on the top right of his helmet.

"Very formal. I am glad to see you take time to have formalities, unlike new Knights I've met." Kiera the Jedi Knight said, being a bit astonished about his men's greeting. "We may be in a war, but we have time for formalities, Kiera." Lance replied with a smile. Kiera smiled as well. "I am glad we have at least see eye to eye in one matter." Kiera replied, standing in front of Lance and is slightly short

Shortly after, a shorter woman stands beside Kiera. Her black hair is pulled back to a ponytail while a few braided strands rest on her shoulders. She, unlike Kiera, is not wearing a Jedi robe, but a simple white shirt with short black sleeves. "Well, now that we're here, we should prepare for the assault." She said with an excited grin. "Correct, We have much to discuss." Kiera agreed. The Generals walk to the bridge of the cruiser.

"Sorry, Commander, but protocol dictates that only generals discuss the plan in secret before distributing it to the others." Kiera said when she saw Jelia about to enter the turbo-lift. "W-what? That's not fair! I've always helped with the plan!" The alf retorted. "I'm sure, but this is a co-op campaign, this is not your average mission." Kiera said, her voice growing.

"She is right. Protocol does forbid anyone below the ranking of general to discuss the making of a plan during a joint operation." Lance said, agreeing with Kiera. Jelia growls and storms off, knowing if she stayed she'll enter a fight. "Now that it's just us, time to make the plan!" Kua said as the doors to the turbo-lift closed. "I assume you have already have a rough layout of the city and its surroundings after your previous mission?" Kiera inquired, stepping out of the lift and entering the bridge.

"Yes. Everything we need to know to make a decisive plan is on the holo-table." Lance assured. The task at hand will not be easy, and they would be disappointed if it ere not.


YAAAAAAS!!! I DID IT!! Yes Kiera (Not Kierra, the difference is double R) belongs to Ylisse_Tactician. Kua belongs to me though. I hope I can continue writing one of Scarlett's best Star Wars OC, if she allows me XD. All rights reserved.

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