Nyx's new friend

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As the winter holiday came to a close, it was finally time for the Hogwarts attendee's to leave home, and head back to school. Albus had said goodbye to his parents early, and he rushed onto the train, happy to find Nyx and Scorpius in the compartment they had sat in only two weeks ago. Albus had the books from Number 12 Grimmauld place in his suitcase, along with the invisibility cloak. Bandit was in his cage, and everything was almost perfect.

"Scorpius!" Albus said, hurrying to drop his luggage to hug his boyfriend.

"Hi Albus!" Scorpius' eyes lit up at the genuine smile on Albus' face. When they had the time, Scorpius needed to speak with Nyx and Albus alone. He had found some valuable information on what was going on with the Death Eaters.

'Mainly because you were almost killed this past week.' He thought bitterly, his mood wasn't bad, but he was a bit distracted, although when he was in Albus' arms, all of that anger and fear melted away, just for a little while.

"How was your holiday?" Nyx asked, as Albus sat down on the seat.

Albus shrugged, "It was pretty normal, but I found some books that I need to show you both."

Scorpius was quieter than usual, the weight of what had happened over the break, being too much to talk about.

'It wasn't your fault, they threatened you, and by you they threatened father by saying they'd harm you. Not that they were joking, but they only wanted father back on their side.' Scorpius shook the thought, the last two weeks being a bit of a stress. He didn't voice what had happened, as he felt that it'd become all too real.

Albus pulled the books out from a bag he had brought with him.
"It's not much, but they have some leads, my main idea with all the 'dead people coming back' thing, being the necromancy book. But the diaries interested me, and the others; I felt they'd come in handy." He said, placing the books back in the bag. Nyx nodded, then looked at a box right next to her. She shook her head affectionately at it, but Albus wasn't sure why, he couldn't see anything in the box.

"Nyx? What's in there?" He asked, eyeing the box.

"Oh, it's a Pukwudgie. He's named Lotran, and he doesn't talk much." She said with a shrug.

Scorpius was intrigued by this new animal, and he leaned forward hanging on Nyx's every word about her magical friend. He needed to get his mind off of the events of the past week. Albus could sense something was off, but he wasn't quite sure as to what. He knew his boyfriend like the back of his hand, but if Scorpius didn't want to talk, Albus wasn't going to pressure him.

The rest of the ride back to Hogsmeade station went smoothly, and the three friends talked about what had happened, although Scorpius didn't contribute to the conversation too much. He mainly listened to what Albus and Nyx said the whole ride back.

As the three friends walked into Hogwarts, they were told to go to the Great Hall, as their luggage would be taken to their dorms.

"Oh! I have something for both of you, but I'll need to get it to you later." Albus said, as they made their way to their house tables. Nyx had separated from Albus and Scorpius, and the two boys were left alone.
Albus smirked and stared at his boyfriend, a thousand thoughts racing through his mind at once.

"What is it? I don't have something on my face right?" Scorpius asked, nervously, fiddling with his thumbs.

Albus laughed. "No, no, it's just you. And I don't mean it in a bad way, I mean it as in you in general. You're breathtaking, and I wanted you to know that." Albus said, meaning every syllable. Scorpius blushed, and shook his head, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

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