Chapter 1

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I was used to being known. I was Riley. The girl with rich parents. Girl who threw killer parties while said rich parents were out of town every other weekend. 

I had everything that I could've wanted. Well that was what everyone thought. And by 'everyone' I mean those dipshits who I went to school with.

The only thing I ever really wanted was to get out of this tiny country and the memories that come with it.. Not to mention the skidmark that was Wellington. I couldn't seem to go anywhere without running into one of the obnoxious bitches that I was 'friends' with. 

I was sick of being that girl. I was sick of little old New Zealand and it's severe lack of excitement and so I jumped on my mothers latest idea.

"You remember Glen, right?" she asked as the three of us sat around the dinner table.

I nod as I chew on a mouthful of brocolli.

"Well, his daughter is on an exchange in Brazil."

"If you are trying to suggest I go to Brazil I would just like to say I have no interest in the country." I say without looking up from my plate.

"But you do like England, right?"

Like is a bit of an understatement. Last time we were there was probably my favourite family trip and I despise family vacations. It's probably weird for me to like England more than anywhere else. I have travelled all over the world but there was something about London that drew me in.

"Your father and I have discussed it and we thought, if you want to, you could finish off school in London." she continues and I just about scream.

"Really?!" I jump up and suprise even myself as I wrap my arms around my mother, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I squeal.

"Well, I guess that means you are interested.. You can leave next week if that's not too early."

"Too early? That's not fast enough!" I reply with a laugh.

My mother smiles, a rare occurance. "Well, since you're only 16 you have one of two choices for a place to stay. With a host family, or with your cousin, Alfie."

"If it's alright with Alfie I'll stay with him." 

Mum nods, "I'll call him soon. Meanwhile, you better get packing."

I grin, "I love you guys," I say, plating a kiss atop my dad's head before bounding up the stairs to my bedroom.

I am going to go to London and with any luck I won't be back here for a while. 

I dream of what life in London shall be like as I shove things into my suitcases.

I was also pretty excited to see my cousin. Even though he is a few years older than me we get along so well. Because I have no siblings he immediately took on the role of older brother. Unfortunately we barely ever get to see eachother because, you know, he lives on the other side of the world.

This was going to be a great opportunity for me and I can't wait to see what London brings. 


This is the start of my new fanfic. I hope guys will like it.. The start is pretty boring I know but bear with me :P

Don't forgot to vote and comment if you like it!! <3

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