Finding out.

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This is a new story written by me, Rachel HII! And my friend lily. GIVE LILY LOVE IN THE COMMENTS. Considering she did an amazing job with the first chapter. The chapters will be past and present so we'll let you know do you don't get confused. SORRY, on with the story.


"Maya?" A voice drifted into her ears, hovering in her mind as another absent flip of her spoon moved through the cereal milk.

"Maya!" The voice shouted, and the small blonde girl shot her eyes up, looking at her mother.

"Hey." She said simply, and Katy narrowed her eyes.

"Hey? Are you okay, Maya? You haven't said a word all morning."

"I'm fine." She said, nearly in a snap, then giving her mother an apologetic face. "I'm just not hungry."

"Not hungry?" Repeated Katy. "You're always hungry!"

"Just not today. I'm okay, I just don't feel to well." She stood up from the dining table and bit her lip. "Um," Maya tilted her head downwards at her mother. "I'm gonna go get a few things from the store. Do you need anything?"



"We need sugar."

Maya blinked, her mind more absent and somewhere else than usual. "Okay. Right. I'm-- uh-- gonna be back. If Shawn--"

Katy raised an eyebrow.

"If... Dad" She corrected herself. That one was still new. "gets back before me, just let him know where I am, okay?"

"Sure. Be safe, babygirl."

"I will." Maya said, then swung herself out the small apartment's door, and locked it behind her.

With the largest, quickest steps that she could manage, she darted down, out the apartment and through the hustling streets of New York. It wasn't raining today, unlike how it'd been for the past few days. Instead the sun shone down and burned against her bare arms. She untied the flannel from her waist and pulled it on to cover her skin.

Pushing the door open to the first drug store on the street, she groaned at the sound of the door bells chiming. She really wanted to get in without any attention drawn to her.

"Can I help you find--?"

"No, I'm okay." She called to the cashier, and hurried into an isle alone.

She knew what she had came here for. She didn't want to quite admit it to herself, but she was here for a reason. Maya's fingers toyed at the top of a box, before stopping herself from opening it. She had the money, she would buy what she needed.

Picking up the box, she read the back. She put it back, picked it up, and reread it about three times before shoving it in her own arms and forcing herself to face reality.

"Stop." She told herself as she picked at the skin on her fingers. Katy had repeatedly told her to stop that, and she had to repeat it to herself when she wasn't around. It was a nervous tick, but hard to break. Instead, she opted for twisting her and Riley's friendship ring around her finger as she forced herself up to the cashier.

Placing the box on the counter, she avoided eye contact with anything but her hands and feet.

"Oh." She heard the cashier utter, before she felt a hand grip hers. Maya jumped back, tears gathering in her eyes before she held a glare at the woman. "Is this for you?" The woman asked quietly.

"I- I'm--- it doesn't matter." She slowly pulled her hand away, studying the woman's face as she frowned.

"I was your age. You're about 16... 15 right?"

"I am 15-- what are you talking about?"

"When I had my first... child. My cousin's adopted her." The cashier swallowed, hiding the small box of pregnancy tests inside a less obvious, larger box of tampons. Still embarrassing, less horrible. Maya nodded gratefully.

"Was that a good idea?" She asked the woman. "Giving your child away?"

"Mm, I miss her. Everyday I miss her. My life went to wrecks without her." She took a deep breath, and smiled at Maya. "Is the daddy good?"

"I don't know if there is a daddy-- I don't know if I'm-- I'm--"

"I know. Make sure you find good people to help, girlie. You need all the help you can."

"I don't need anybody." Maya sneered.

"It's a hard task. You'll be able to do it, but alone is harder. What's your name?"


"Stay with the good people, Maya." The woman handed her the paper bag, and held her hand to her heart. "This one's on me."

"Thank you."

"And if you need anything, Maya-- you come here. You ask for me. I'm here for you."

She narrowed her eyes, watching the woman. "Thank you. Again. I guess."

"Mhm. Now you get home. You find out what'll happen."

"I will." Maya nodded, then showed herself out of the store, blinking rapidly and shaking her head. Unsteady feeling-- this wasn't really happening.

She held a hand to her stomach, and hurried back down the street. Keeping the bag closely to inside of her flannel, she found her street again. Thankfully it was about 5 minutes away.

Maya climbed the stairs, unlocked her apartment and ran inside.

"Hey, babygirl-- you got what you--"

"Sugar! I forgot the-- they didn't have any. Sorry, mom"

"It's okay. I'll ask Shawn to pick some---"

Maya was already throwing herself inside the bathroom.


Locking her bathroom door, Maya pulled out the test from the box. She wasn't ready, she was beyond nervous, but she did what she had to.

Holding the finished test away from her face, for a moment she refused to look at the results. She sat in quiet, nervous tears falling from her light eyes.


The damn thing read positive. But the situation was the opposite of that. She cursed, throwing the test and crushing it with her foot. The stupid piece of plastic.

Maya kneeled on the ground, her face held in her hands, her whines muffled by the palms of her hands.

She messed up.

Her and Lucas messed up.


He said nothing would happen, he said protection was enough. She hated him, she hated what happened, she hated herself.

God, she had a storm coming.


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I'm having your baby. [Lucaya Pregnancy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora