Family day out.

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"Mom!" Maya yelled, somewhat quietly, tossing another pillow on top of her mother. "Mooooom! Wake up!" She said, then sighed when she didn't budge. She had an idea, however, to get her awake. "Lucas said he's---"

"What'd he say?!" Katy shot up, and Maya sniggered, nodding her head.

"He said, "Wake up you lump". He won. You woke up."

"Ha-ha." Katy rang sarcastically, looking at the empty spot next to her. "Where's Shawn?!"

"In the shower. Don't worry." Maya chuckled,  pulling the blankets off of her mother.

"You're chipper today." Katy said, pulling herself out of bed, and Maya nodded.

"Yeah, well, I slept all night. I feel fine today." She explained. "So, it's a good day." Maya finished with a nod. "I'm gonna go get Taylor up-- you get dressed. We're getting out."

Katy raised her eyebrows, nodding her head as she remade the bed, smiling slightly at her daughter's cheerful mood. Pulling herself into clothes for the morning, she brushed through her hair.

Opening the bedroom door, she heard the shower turn off, and closed the door before Maya or Taylor saw something they would prefer not seeing.

"Maya!" Katy said, entering the living area. "Hey, where's Luca-- he's... already here."

Lucas raised his head, smiling at her. "Hey." He said casually, waving his hand at her. She bowed her head in return.

"What's Maya up to today?" She asked him, and he shrugged.

"She said she wanted to go out today." He replied. "Which is rare for her, unless it's tacos."

Katy chuckled. "Sure."

Maya returned from her daughter's room, the, now dressed, baby in her arms. "Hey guys-- what are you doing?"

"Waiting for you!" Lucas said, and took Taylor from her arms, smiling at their child, lightly tickling her stomach.

Maya cleared her throat, then smiling again at her mother. "Dad out yet?" She asked and Katy nodded.

"He's getting dressed, I'd imagine. Unless you want him to come naked."

"No!" Maya yelped, and shook her head. "I don't want that. Thanks."

Katy chuckled, seeing Shawn exit their room.  He came over, kissing her head. She smiled widely. "Hey you. You ready for Maya's random day out plan?" She asked, and he nodded.

"I am. Diaper bag packed?"


"Spare outfits? Wipes? Bottles?"

"Yes, yes, and yes. Can we go now?" Maya replied, swinging the bag over her shoulder.

"That we can. Come on, guys."

The family set off, quickly, out of the apartment, being dragged along and lead mainly by Maya, who was determined to get out of the house. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was going crazy being stuck in her house. She didn't have school, didn't have a job, really the only place she went was Riley or Farkle's house, but she wanted to be outside for longer. So she decided to take them out to the park.

As they arrived, Maya wasn't sure how long it took, she smiled, turning on her heels and facing her family. "Okay! Come on, they have swings."

Shawn and Katy shared glanced, then chuckled, following after her, behind them Lucas with Taylor in a stroller. She was cooing quietly at the birds that took flight high above.

Lucas chuckled, letting her hold onto his finger as he guided the stroller behind the other three.

"Here-- give me Taylor." Maya said, holding out her arms. "We need bonding time too, right?"

Lucas nodded, unbuckling the baby from the stroller, then gently giving her over to her mother. He smiled as he saw how she took care in the way she held her.

She was determined to have her not entirely hate her.

Maya gently handled Taylor, and sat her in the baby swing, making sure she wasnt sitting on her legs. She smiled when her daughter didn't scream at her. Gently, the blonde pushed her  in the swing.

Maya heard her laugh and she grinned. Taylor clapped her hands together, and Maya picked her up out of it.

Katy and Shawn onlooked at their daughter taking care of her child and they were beyond proud. They knew she could learn to like the child, someday. Maybe not every day she'd like her, but at least for now she would. Shawn wrapped his arm around Katy, and Katy laid her head on his shoulder.

Today would be good, she prayed.

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