How it all started - part 2

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He rubbed his eyes, a quiet yawn, and looked at the girl, clearing his throat groggily. "Is there... a reason you wanted to come to Texas?"

"Shh. Get dressed, I'll show you." She threw a pillow over top of his head, and he chuckled under his breath.


"Maya," Lucas said as the two approached the large tent, dewy grass splashing underneath their boots. "what are we doing here?"

"Shut up." Maya said, somewhat a joyful twang in het voice as she let her hand pull open the tent. He furrowed his eyebrows farther against his face. Whatever it was, he didn't want to be here.

"Maya! This is a rodeo! You hate these!"

She abruptly turned on her heels, looking at Lucas, somewhat in annoyance. "That was until I wanted to be in one!"

Lucas' face fell, his heart sunk, and he shook his head rapidly. "No."


"No! You're not riding a bull." He repeated.

"Why not?"

"Because I almost died on there!"

Maya scoffed as if that was irrelevent. "But you didn't."

"But I could have!"

"Babe, nothing's gonna happen to me," She turned, eyes facing the screens hung up, showing what exactly was to come. "I'm strong---"

He took her arm and pulled her back towards him. "No, I was strong too! That doesn't stop it from being dangerous. What if you died on there?"

"I won't!"

"What if you did?! You think I want you hurt? You think your parents would love hearing that news?"

"Lucas, stop--"

"No! I don't want you going--"

"Next up," The announcer rang. "our smallest contestant-- coming in at 5'0", Maya Hart!"

There was a round of cheering and applause, then looks were shared, and then she raised her hands, wooping towards the crowd.

"Yeah!" Maya exclaimed, cheering on for herself. Lucas was pass annoyed, he was terrified. If he could've gotten hurt on the stupid bull, he could only imagine what it'd do to her.

"Maya, stop! You tried to stop me, you think I'm not going to stop you?"

"Yeah, because you listened so well?"

Lucas shot her a glare, and she scoffed.

"Nothing's different here, Lucas. I'm going on that bull."

"No, there's one thing different here."


He bent down, lifted Maya over his shoulder, and held onto her as tightly as he could.

"Stop!" She exclaimed, pounding her fists on his back. "Let me down!"

Lucas walked forward, turning around to exit the tent. She might not have been able to stop him, but he sure as Hell was stopping her. He didn't know what he would do if she were to get hurt. It wasn't something he ever wanted to see.

"Show's over." Lucas called, bringing Maya far enough away from the tent until they couldn't hear shouting anymore. About a mile away from their hotel, he stopped when the pain in his back started setting in.

"Fuck--" He muttered, setting her down and stretching out.

"You moron! Why did you do that?" She yelled spastically. "I wanted to do that!"

"Maya, stop! You might have wanted to do that, but you have no idea what goes into it. Training. I trained for years. And I still could've gotten really hurt. How long have you trained for?"


"How long? You haven't trained at all! And I don't want you hurt because of some bad descision you made on a whim."

She exhaled, avoiding his eyes.

"I don't want you hurt." Lucas repeated, and she looked up at him, teary-eyed.

"I- I'm sorry, Lucas." Maya said in a whimper, and instead of replying, he pulled her into a hug, his hand in her hair, his head on her shoulder, and nothing but the sound of loud cars whizzing pass them.

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