Couples night

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16 Weeks pregnant
Out on the street with her family-- or, parents and Lucas-- Maya was... calm. For the past six days, she was hung up on what exactly it was that the Friar's were saying to her, how they were acting. And, God, she couldn't get it out of her mind.

And that's why Shawn had the thought that they needed to get out of the house, and Katy had come up with the idea that they should see a movie, and then Lucas, being the athlete he was, decided they could walk the mile to the nearest theater.

Which, was fine. Until Maya's knees decided to give out underneath of her, and now she was atop Lucas' back, riding the rest of the quarter to the building.

"Having fun up there?"

"Oh yeah. Are you thrilled to live out your proper role as a horse?"

Lucas chuckled. "You know I could drop you from my back as easily as I got you up here---"

"You wouldn't."

He bent over slightly, standing up straight to where Maya had to cling onto him to stop herself from being thrown off. She shrieked, kicking him slightly to make him bend over again.

"Jerk!" She exclaimed, laughter in her call.


"Don't kill each other." Katy said, looking over her shoulder, swinging her arm as she held onto Shawn's hand.

"We aren't!" Maya shouted. "Lucas is just stupid!"

"Oh, trust me, Maya, I have plenty of stupid in my life."

"Yeah!" Shawn agreed, before catching up. "Hey, not me right?"

Katy raised her eyebrows, laughing slightly. "Ah, of course not, Shawnie!" She swung her arms around his shoulder as they continued to walk, and he laughed, figuring she was telling the truth about what she'd said.

"What movie are we seeing anyways?" Maya asked, and all of them shrugged. Surprisingly, no one figured to plan that part out. "Okay, well.. as long as it's not some kiddie movie."

"Kiddie movies are fun." Lucas retorted, a playful grin on his face.

"Really? Is your day plan to hopalong down the yellow brick road and find your munchkin friends?"

"Hey, I'll have you know that The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic."

"Uh-huh. Keep tellin' yourself that, Boing-Boing."

As they approached the theater, Maya made sure to tell Shawn about eighty times how much she wanted Sour Patch Kids( but not the kid ones, the watermelon ones. ) and a large popcorn, and a medium Coca Cola.

He ordered correctly, and Maya instantly snuggled her collection of snacks, kissing each of them as if they had foreheads.

They decided to see some romantic comedy of some sort, Maya hardly paid attention, as for most of it Lucas was hiding popcorn in her hair to make her chuckle or they were chucking it at Katy and Shawn any time they decided to make kissy-face.

And honestly, Maya did feel quite a lot better after the day out with her family. They reminded her that with every low, there was a high. Even if it was as silly as getting candy stuck down your shirt.

FINALLY A PAST! The past won't be in order, we'll do different events at different times of the pregnancy.

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