The struggles.

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"Come on, Tay, please go to sleep." Maya sigh tiredly as she rocked her daughter in her arms. Tears slipping down her cheeks from the stress.

It's been almost 3 months since Maya gave birth to Taylor. Her blue-eyed little girl. Hardly any sleep, and a headache from the constant cries. Since the minute she gave birth she's found it extremely difficult to put the baby to sleep. Or to stop the cries.

Of course Katy and Shawn help out but when they both have work early in the morning and Lucas has school, she's doing it solo.

"Still struggling, baby girl?" Katy speaks, standing in the doorway. Maya silently nods as she looks at her mother with tear filled eyes. "I didn't realise it would be so hard. Especially doing this alone. Why am I the only person who can't get her to sleep? Or at least stop her crying." Maya spoke, her voice cracking.

Katy walked over to her daughter sighing. "We told you this wouldn't be easy, honey." Katy spoke softly as she gently takes her crying granddaughter into her arms. "Have you changed her diaper? Fed her?"

Maya sat down with her head in her hands, nodding. "I've tried everything. She hates me."

"She doesn't hate you, Maya." Katy replied quietly, her hold gentle around the child's frame. "Maybe she feels that you're annoyed with her."

"What do you mean?" Maya blinked, looking up at her. "I'm trying my best!" She nearly yelled, her teeth gritting and her fists clenched. "I do everything that I can!"

"That's what I mean. Baby, you haven't had a full night's sleep in weeks. You're on edge."

Maya blinked. "I can't get to sleep. Not with her up my ass." She replies, irritatedly pulling a hand through her hair.

"Then we'll watch her." Katy said, letting Taylor grip onto her thumb as she smiled.

"We've tried that before, mom! Tay gets angsty-- it doesn't work out."

"Then we'll pay closer attention." She glanced back up at her daughter, narrowing her eyes slightly. "We don't want you alone in this, Maya."

The younger blonde bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from yelling. "Uh-huh." She said under her breath. "Look, mom, what if she really doesn't like me? It's got nothin' to do with me, the kid just hates me? What then?"

"She'll learn to love you like the rest of us did." Katy said jokingly, and Maya scoffed in return.

"Thanks, mom." She retorted, bouncing her leg slightly. "I don't know what to do."

"Trust us for once, babygirl." She extended her hand to hold her daughter's, and she nods. "That's what you do."

Maya groaned slightly, letting her head fall into her palms again, her fingers massaging  the temples in her forehead. "It's hard, mom."

"I know. I was young and a mother once too. 18 and I had you. That's why you're not going to take care of her alone." Katy replied, then held onto Taylor once more. "Where's Lucas?"

"Hiding, probably. Half from his parents, half from me."

"His parents?"

"They're still pissed because their kid knocked me up. Either at me or him or both but, it doesn't matter."

Katy nodded. Asking the Friar's for help was off the table she supposed, unless Lucas returned. He visited occasionally, but from the sounds of things, it's no wonder he hardly comes around. "Maya, go on to sleep. Me and Shawn will take care of her the rest of the day."

"You promise she won't wake me up this time?"

"I promise. Now go rest. You'll feel better."

Maya let out a sigh, before giving up on the idea of arguing about why she shouldn't anymore. Maybe it was for the better. She still bet that Taylor would end up waking her up after an hour, but when she does, Maya will be the first to tell her parents "I told you so!" before ranting off again.

"Goodnight, Maya."

She blinked, then looked down at her mother and nodded, giving her a quick hug, the retreating back to her bedroom.

Over her shoulder, Katy watched her daughter close the door. She smiled, sitting back in the rocking chair. "You and me for now, hm, little girl?" She ran a hand through the baby's light hairs as the little girl cooed.

"And me." Shawn appeared, knocking his knuckles against the frame of the open door. "Can I come in?"

Katy looked up, and saw her husband. She smiled, nodded, and gestured to the open seat. "Anytime."

"Thanks." He said, sitting in the chair that Maya last sat in. He nodded at Katy. "What're the little rascals up to?" He asked, and she chuckled.

"Mm, I told Maya to rest. That we would watch Taylor for her."

"That was nice of you."  Shawn replied, laying a hand on her knee, glancing at his granddaughter.

"Funny, huh?"

"Funny?" He looked up. "What's funny?"

"Just last year we were in a normal situation... now we're grandparents at 34. It feels funny."

"Yeah.. they grow up too fast don't they?"

Katy nodded, sighing. "That's for sure. I wish... they stayed our little ones for longer. Soon Maya's gonna grow up, go to college. Taylor's gonna grow up and... where will we be?"

Shawn blinked. "We'll be supporting them. We're put on this planet to make someone else happy."

"I guess so." Katy took a deep breath. "Wanna hold her?"

Shawn blinked. He didn't usually hold Taylor, nor be offered to. But he nodded. "Yeah, okay."

She stood up, and let him scoop the small child into his arms, where he gently held onto her.

"Thanks, Shawn." She said, leaning herself against the back of his plush chair.

"For what?" He asked with a small chuckle, keeping his eyes on Taylor as she gazed up at the ceiling, quietly babbling to herself.

"For talking to me.. being here for me. It's a good feeling to know you're loved back."

"That's how you should always feel." Shawn said, glancing up at his wife, as she smiled and nodded.

"I know. I hope I return that--"

"You do." He nodded, laying his head back against her stomach. She laughed, running her fingers through his hair.

And for a moment, they had a minute of something quiet. Something that hadn't happened in weeks. Or months. Practically since the baby came along.

I'm having your baby. [Lucaya Pregnancy]Where stories live. Discover now