The truth is out.

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( a warning for those with emetophobia !! )
8 Weeks pregnant
It was a fairly normal day for Maya, even though the previous had been wrecking her entire childhood and life. She ate breakfast like normal, and with no school that day, she sat on the couch, a laptop computer over her lap, like normal. But then, with a turn of events, her stomach felt unsteady.

With a hand firmly placed over her mouth, Maya ran back to the bathroom, in hopes that her mother wouldn't notice. She knelt over the toilet, coughing quietly before anything came up.


"Fuck." She muttered shakily, before feeling her mother's hands pull back her hair.

"Are you okay?"

Maya vomitted more, coughing as she finished another fit. "Mom--" A cough. "I'm fine!"

"Babygirl, you're sick!"

She shook her head, hoping she was finished as she turned, letting her head fall back onto the sink's base. "Mom, I don't feel good."

Katy, blinking off into the distance for a moment, nodded surely. "I-- I know, honey." She pushed her daughter's hair from her face. "You think you're done?"

"Mhm. My stomach hurts." Maya commented quietly, holding a hand to her uncomfortably empty, burning stomach.

"I bet." Katy bent down, and wrapped her arm around the younger blonde's figure. "Let's lay you down-- I'll bring you something to drink."

Maya nodded, standing up, then walking alongside her mother to her own bedroom, as she laid down on the daybed, sighing as her head hit the pillow. God, her head was killing her. "Thanks, mom."

"Sure thing, babygirl. I'll be back." And with that, her mother left the room, and Maya rolled over on her side.

She looked at the frame of her bed, then her sheets, and eventually turned on her other side, staring at her room. She wasn't ready to be a mother. She was still a kid! She hardly knew how to take care of herself and now all of this?

Laying her head down again, she groaned.

In the other room, Katy had remembered seeing something in the trashbin in the bathroom. She bit her thumbnail, wondering if it was right to snoop.

But she is her mother, and she's worried. Please don't let it be what she thinks. All that's running through her mind is prayers that it wasn't what she had thought.

Bending down over the bin, Katy opened her eyes. And when she saw the pregnancy test, she swallowed, blinking tears in her eyes.

"No, no, no--" She mumbled. "Babygirl.." She wrapped her fingers in toilet paper, then picked up the test. When she saw the positive line, her other hand covered her mouth in a gasp.

"No, no.. please no." She stood up, and bent over the sink, staring at the test.

Why wouldn't Maya had told her something was wrong? God forbid. She hoped it not be Maya's, but Riley's? Riley was in a stable situation, surely. But no, she didn't hope this situation on anyone. She just was a worried mother who didn't want to see her daughter pregnant at 15.

"Maya..?" Now a moment later, she knocked on the door, slowly swinging it open, a drink of water in her hand,the test shoved into her pocket. "I- I got your drink." She handed it to her, just as Maya sat up and Katy joined beside her knees.

"Honey.. can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." She replied coolly, steadier than before, taking a sip of her water. "Is... something wrong, mom?"

Katy nodded, her hand pulling out the test. "I found this, babygirl. I saw it. Is this yours?"

A wave of panic shot through Maya, as she snatched the test from her mother's shaking hand, and she studied her face as if she were serious. "You-- you went snooping through my stuff?!" She yelped, pressing her palm to her own forehead in nervousness.

"Maya, I saw it when I was holding your hair and I was worried."

"Worry about someone else!" She exclaimed.

"You're my daughter! I have every right to worry about you!" She shot back. "Is it yours, Maya?"

She froze, falling silent. Instead she stared at the test with tears welling in her blue eyes, biting her tongue to keep herself quiet.

"Maya?" Katy's voice was softer now, and she laid a hand on her daughter's.

"I messed up, mom." She whispered, tearfully, refusing to look at her mother. "I messed up big time.. I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen-- I didn't think this would happen." She said quickly, then paused to catch her breath. "I thought a condom would be enough. I thought I could hide it--"

"Hide it?" Katy interupted. "How would you hide it forever?"

"Just a little longer.. until I could figure something out--"

"Maya." She stopped her from finishing, a setting feeling of realization sitting in her stomach.

Gently, Katy took her daughter into her arms, and Maya laid her head on her mother's chest, letting out loud sobs and unsteady breaths. Katy remained quiet, running her fingers through Maya's hair. They could talk about it later, when they both could think-- and breathe-- right.

But for now, they stayed here, in a close embrace of comfort. Katy knew this situation too well, and she would not have it be like hers. She held onto her daughter, until her cries quieted, and she eventually noticed her asleep.

Katy frowned, laying her daughter back onto her pillow. She could tell this week wasn't easy on her. She saw it in the obvious dark circles under her eyes as she closed them.

She tried to protect her daughter, but sometimes that doesn't work. Right now, all she can do is support her.

I'm having your baby. [Lucaya Pregnancy]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon