How it all started - part 1

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She shoved another three blouses into a suitcase.


A pair of shoes, and jeans, and--


She sighed, craning her head upwards to look at her boyfriend. "Yes?"

"Is this a normal thing for you when people stay the night?"

She blinked, shrugging her small shoulders slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Packing? Is that just normal?"

"Oh." She dropped the tank top in her hand, and finally smiled at Lucas. "No, no, I have a trip planned."

He hung his head, his hands behind his neck as he sighed. "Mayaaaa. What do you mean by trip?"

"Just.. just a small one!"

"Have you talked to your parents?"

"Of course, I'm not dumb."

Lucas made a face.

"Shut up."

"Where is the trip to?"

She hesitated for a second, then raised her eyebrows with her response. "Texas."

His eyes went wide, then furrowed, then he groaned. "Texas?" Lucas said. "Out of all the places you could possibly choose-- Texas?"

"Yeah, I thought it'd be fun!"

"Maya, we've been to Texas. Remember last year? Yeah, that was awful."

She wrinkled her face, then nudging Lucas with her hip as she passed him. "I liked the face grab, though."

He sat on her bed, holding his face to cover his rosy cheeks.

"Ha!" She exclaims, zipping her bag. "Come on. There was a reason I asked you to pack last night." And he followed along without any questions asked too. Loser.


After about an hour of somewhat arguing, they came to an agreement, and Lucas finally followed after Maya( and Katy and Shawn, who only agreed to go through with the trip if they were along for it. ).

The trip to Texas took nearly two days, with the hour long wait to actually get the plane tickets, and then sitting in the airport lobby for hours until scheduled-- which was 7 PM, nearly 4 hours from when they actually got there. Maya mostly slept, curled up in the blankets and pillows she brought, in front of the chairs that her family was in. She had slept well the night before, but knowing Maya, she would sleep anywhere and everywhere. It was like she had a "Places to Sleep" bucket list.

There was also, Shawn distinctly remembers, an argument with Lucas about what was Maya's favorite candy. But eventually they settled on the fact that, likely, Maya didn't /have/ a favorite candy.

The actual plane ride was decent. It took a whole day, which was mostly spent with all of them sleeping( all aside from the moment where all but Lucas were sleeping. He couldn't help but admire the way Maya's eyelids fluttered in her sleep, or the way her head flopped onto his shoulder as if he was a pillow. She was adorable. ). From New York to Texas, it took a shorter amount of time then Maya figured it would, but she was always bad at guessing games. She guessed it'd take weeks. She was very far off. She probably should have took into consideration that taking a train, like last time, and a plane would vary in times.

Planes are faster, thank God, and they ended up in Texas by 8 PM the next day.

Maya rubbed her eyes as she pulled her first suitcase from the automatic belt. She somewhat wished she hadn't packed nearly as much as she did. Oh well, too late now.

Lucas returned to her side after pulling his own luggage from the beam. There was something about the rubbery smell of the airport that really reminded him what it was exactly that they were doing. He sighed quietly, leaning his face down against her shoulder, laying a small kiss by her neck before picking up her other suitcase that rolled into the area.

"Thanks.." Maya muttered quietly, popping the handle and rolling it out, just the feet away from where they would find their taxi.

In the morning, Shawn said, they'd go and find a rental car because Katy didn't like trusting taxi drivers who she wasn't familiar with. Back in New York, she was sure to at least become aqquainted with all the drivers in their areas. It always annoyed Maya when she knew most of them by their first names though. But, not like Riley didn't do that too. Why was everyone so perky?

Shutting the trunk, Maya pulled herself into the taxi beside Lucas, who was beside Katy. Shawn sat in the front seat and tried his damnest not to daze off.

Maya smiled up at Lucas, and slipped her hand down with his, holding onto it comfortably, her head falling on his shoulder, and he kissed her forehead. She sighed contently, her eyes gazing out all the window that she could see.

At night everything was a little more interesting. People were quieter, but somehow more lively. It was like people at night thought no one could hear them or find them. Like they didn't exist at night. She smiled to herself at the thought.

Blinking, she looked at Shawn as he told the driver where to drop them off. A hotel? He already made plans for that? She grinned slightly wider. He must've made it when Maya was asleep in the lobby back in NY, because that was the only time she remembered not hearing everything that was going on.

Nearly 30 Minutes later, they arrived to the hotel that was somewhat nearby the airport. Texas was so much different from New York, Maya remembered. Back at home, everything was fairly close together. But here, it all seemed somewhat spaced. The city in Texas, however, was nicer than the back of the state. It was less rodio hee-haw and more like how she imagined actual "cities" to be.

Unloading from the car, Shawn paid the driver, and they took their belongings upstairs( Katy made sure to check them in. Although the name claimed it was a "hotel", with the outside settings, it seemed more motel. Maya was fine with that. Less fancy, less expectations. )

When they pulled themselves into the room, Maya noticed a door. It wasn't a closet or a bathroom either. She pulled the handle, and to her surprise it opened to another room.

"Shut up!" She uttered, a grin on her face. "Dad! You got one of the cool rooms!" More privacy, she knew. That was exciting to her.

"That's exactly right, kiddo. Cool parent." His thumbs aimed towards his chest, and she laughed, punching his shoulder. He beamed with pride over his decision.

After settling, the adults decided to call it a night early. They were exhausted, even though they slept most of the day. But, still exhausted. Katy hugged her daughter goodnight, Shawn kissed her head, and they both glared at Lucas as if telling him not to play anything funny.

Flopping on the bed as Maya closed the door, Lucas smiled up at her. "The cool rooms?" He repeated her sentence from earlier. She leaped on top of him, and he groaned. Maya laughed wildly, kissing his nose as she laced her leg around his.

"Yeah, clearly we got the cooler one."

"Ah." He chuckled, laying his hand against her back in a soft gesture. His thumb slowly rubbing circles against her shirt. She hummed quietly, leaning closer, kissing him gently. In a spur of the moment, Lucas flipped her over, hovering on top of her. She laughed, pulling his shirt collar so he kissed her again.

Whenever she moved an inch closer to him, he sighed quietly, holding her waist.

Before they knew what, the entire setting of the night changed, something in quiet passion. Maya hardly knew what she was doing all night, but she knew she wanted more. She wanted his everything by her.

And when they woke up, before anyone else had, Maya clung the bed sheets to her naked body, gazing down at Lucas as he groggily woke up, her fingers delicately brushing the hair from his face.

"Good morning, Lucas."

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