Chapter Three

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~Kellin's p.o.v

I woke up the next morning to her beautiful, pale face in front of mine. She was still asleep, so I went to go get breakfast. She came out to the kitchen about two minutes after I had poured cereal. Her black hair was kinda messy, she was still in her pajamas.

"Good morning," I said, walking up to her and giving her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled, "Well, uh, good morning," she said sweetly, yet monotonous, as usual.

"So, are you excited for the concert tonight?" I asked, trying to make small talk, since she seemed drowsy, I decided this was the best method to wake her up.

"Hell yeah, I am," she replied excitedly. She was awake, now.

"That's nice," I smiled. "Would you like something to eat?"

"Uhm, no. I'll just get it myself, you don't ha-"

"I'm gonna make you something, anyway. I wanna be a good boyfriend!" I cut her off, jokingly.

She giggled, "Uh, just some cereal?" She said unsure. I nodded and got out the miniwheats.

"Thanks. And by the way, you don't have to make me breakfast just to be a 'good boyfriend', you already are the best there ever was."

She said, quoting one of her favorite songs off of the Feel album. We started eating at the breakfast bar, and it reminded me of the times when we first started dating. No concerts, no friends, just us. I liked it.

~Winter's p.o.v

We finished breakfast and Kellin offered to put my bowl away.

"Oh you don't have to, I've got it." I smiled at him and grabbed the bowl; he took it out of my hands and walked over to the sink to wash our bowls by hand. I wondered, why is he being so nice today? Weird...

"You go ahead and get ready, I've got this covered." He said looking back at me with a small smile on his face.

"Oh, uh, okay." I replied walking back to the room to do my daily routine.

A few hours later, we got into the car and drove to the center where they were holding the concert.

The concert was almost over and the last song he was going to sing.was All My Heart, even though it was the Feel tour.. Before he sang it, he asked me to come up on stage (I was obviously in the front row).

"I'd like to dedicate this one to my beautiful girlfriend, Winter."

He said gesturing towards me. I blushed.

The crowd said "aw" and Kellin started singing. I smiled and blushed the whole time, and once the song was over he said goodnight and goodbye to the fans and left the stage.

We were holding hands as we walked out and the band mocked us and said, "Aw, how sweeeet." I giggled and went with Kellin to his dressing room. He got a little bit cleaned up, changed his outfit and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be back in an hour or so, gonna do some signings and stuff." I understood it was for the VIPs. I nodded and just sat on the chair, pulled up another and tested my feet on that second one, waiting.

I soon fell asleep.

I was shaken many times and finally woke up to Jack and Justin behind Gabe, and Gabe in the back of the room. Kellin had his hand on my arm (where he was shaking me) and smiled, "Tired?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

"Sure as hell seems like it," commented Jack..

Gave replied with, "Yeah. Took us forever to wake you up."and Justin just nodded in agreement.

Kellin was talking to me like a mother does to her tired kid. "We're gonna go home now, okay?" I just looked at him for a while. "now, c'mon, let's go." He said charmingly.

I guess I was kinda tired, because.I wanted to get home asap and get in our comfortable king sized bed. We got home sooner than I thought and I was half-asleep in the car.

I was actually probably just sleeping with my eyes open, because I didn't even remember dropping the other band members off.

I looked over to my right to see Kellin opening the door and unbuckling my seatbelt. He picked me up, my legs in his right arm and my back/head in his left. I was tired. So I just smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. He opened the door and walked back to the room, me still in his arms.

He set me down on the mattress and tucked me in. He was really sweet, sweeter than usual, today, and I liked it..a lot.

I smiled and whispered thanks. He took his skinny jeans off and just slept in his tank top and boxers.

He sighed slightly and said, "This was a pretty long day, for the both of us, I guess," he paused and laughed a little, his voice a little raspy, "So, I guess I'll go to bed, too." He said laying down, turned towards me. I giggled. "Goodnight." He said, then gave me a short kiss (on the mouth, of course cx)

"Goodnight, I love you," I replied.

"I love you too, babe." He kissed me softly on the forehead, I smiled, and we both drifted off to sleep.



Hey, sorry this chapter.was kinda boring. Chapter four will be muchhh better c:

Thanks for reading, hehe ily.

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